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1. Rothenberg, Daniel. With These Hands: The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today. Los Angeles :

University of California Press, 1998: xvii.

2. Martinez , Yolanda, Scott Jr, John, Cranston-Gingras, Ann , & Platt, John S. . “Voices from the Field-Interviews with

Students from Migrant Farmworker Families.” The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority

Students . Winter 1994: pp 333-348.

3. Martinez, Scott, Cranston-Gingras, & Platt, 333-348.

4. Martinez, Scott, Cranston-Gringas, & Platt, 333-348.

5. Thompson, Charles, and Wiggins, Melinda. The Human Cost of Food. Austin, TX : UT

Press, 2002: 217.

6. Thompson and Wiggins, 199.

7. Chivira-Prado, Alicia. “Work, Health, and the Family: Gender Structure and Women's

Status in an Undocumented Migrant Population.” Human Organization : Vol 51 No. 1. Society for Applied

Anthropology, 1992: 54.

8. Farr, K.A. & Wilson-Figueroa, M. “Talking About Health and Health Care: Experiences and Perspectives of Latina

Women in a Farmworking Community.” Women & Health : Vol 25 No. 2. The Haworth Press, Inc., 1997:


9. Migrant Clinicians Network. Migrant Health Issues . 2005 [cited 16 December 2005]. Available from World Wide

Web: < >

10. Perfecto I, Velásquez B. Farm workers: among the least protected. EPA J 18(1): 13-14

11. Thompson and Wiggins, 202.

12. Perfecto, 1.

13. Thompson and Wiggins, 203.

14. Chivira-Prado, 58.

15. Farr, 24.

16. Migrant Health Promotion, Farmworkers in the United States. 2005 [cited 16 December 2005]. Available from

World Wide Web: < >

17. Migrant Clinicians Network, Migrant Health Issues.

18. Migrant Health Promotion.

19. Farr, 25.

20. Thompson and Wiggins, 206.

21. Migrant Clinicians Network, Migrant Health Issues.

22. Migrant Health Promotion.

23. Thompson and Wiggins, 211.

24. Thompson and Wiggins, 211.

25. Thompson and Wiggins, 208.

26. Migrant Heath Promotion.

27. Migrant Clinicians Network. Introduction to Migrant Issues. 2005 [cited 16 December 2005]. Available from World

Wide Web: < >

28. Food Security Learning Center, The Growth of Agribusiness and the Market for Farm Labor. 2005 [cited 16

December 2005]. Available from World Wide Web:


29. Migrant Clinicians Network, Introduction to Migrant Issues.

30. Food Security Learning Center.

31. Food Security Learning Center.

32. Food Security Learning Center.

33. Food Security Learning Center.

34. Migrant Clinicians Network, Introduction to Migrant Issues.

35. Migrant Clinicians Network, Introduction to Migrant Issues.

36. Food Security Learning Center.

37. Food Security Learning Center.

38. Food Security Learning Center, Frequently Asked Questions. 2005 [cited 16 December 2005]. Available from

World Wide Web: <>

39. Rothenberg.

40. Thompson and Wiggins.

41. Rothenberg.