Letter from the Editors

This issue marks a new beginning for the Endangered Species UPDATE, now under the advisement of Professors Bobbi Low, Steve Brechin, and Emily Silverman at the School of Natural Resources & Environment. However, the UPDATE staff also would like to acknowledge the guidance, tenacity, and tireless enthusiasm of Dr. Terry Root. Dr. Root was instrumental in establishing and sustaining the UPDATE for the last decade, steering it from reprints of the USFWS Endangered Species Bulletin to the expanded journal format of today. Thank you Terry!
The UPDATE continues to evolve. We currently are working to perfect our electronic subscriptions and offer internet access to all of our readers. A complete archive of UPDATE articles should be available by the end of the summer. And special thanks to you, our dedicated membership. We continue to welcome any and all comments, suggestions, Letters to the Editor, manuscripts, and other contributions.

Beth Hahn & Jennifer MacKay