Movement Science 340 Exercise Physiology

Exam #1 Study Questions

Below is a listing of possible exam questions. Exam #1 will derive from this list, with possible additional questions added. Each question has an associated point value. The exam will be only 100 points.

  1. Explain coupled oxidative phosphorylation?
  2. Identify an ideal fuel substrate for long duration activity. Give three characteristics.
  3. In the open circuit method of calorimetry we generally collect either ventilation inspired (VI) or ventilation expired (VE). Since the basic equation for calculating VO2 requires knowing both VI and VE, how can you resolve this dilemma?
  4. What R value would you expect during high intensity, non steady rate exercise? Explain.
  5. Describe the processes of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis, and glycogenolysis.
  6. What is the heat of combustion for lipids, carbohydrates and protein.
  7. Explain why lactic acid is produced. Discuss whether it be viewed as a metabolic waste product.
  8. What is the glycemic index and why is it important for formulating pre-exercise feeding? Give an example of a high glycemic food.
  9. List four results (outcomes) when a person exercises in a carbohydrate depleted state?
  10. A 100 gram lunch contains 50% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 10% fat, and 20% water. What are the kCal values for the four nutrients, and the total kCal value?
  11. Describe oxidation and reduction reactions.
  12. What is the oxygen deficit? What is the difference between the oxygen deficit for trained versus untrained persons?
  13. What is the P/O ratio and what is its significance.
  14. Give typical (representative) values for the resting VO2 and VO2max for college aged subjects. Be sure to provide the units of measurement.
  15. A 75 kg person exercising at an energy expenditure of 5 METs would have what oxygen uptake and what kCal expenditure. Show work and include units of measurement?
  16. Give an example of the calculations for the RQ for carbohydrate and fat.
  17. Sketch the relationship between oxygen uptake versus time during a 10 minute steady-rate exercise bout on the bicycle ergometer, and during 10 minutes of recovery. Label all of the parts of the graph. What effect does training have on reaching the steady-rate. Give 2 reasons why?
  18. List the names and approximate time frame of the immediate, short term and long term energy systems.
  19. What is meant by the phrase, “lipids burn in a carbohydrate flame.”
  20. Is the BMR higher or lower for females compared to males? Give one reason why or why not?
  21. What is the net energy cost of horizontal running? Is it dependent on speed? Why or why not?
  22. What are the 3 major factors effecting bioenergetics during exercise? Which one do you think is the most important. Why?
  23. List 3 factors that influence energy expenditure during walking and explain the effects of each.
  24. What is the name for any physical or chemical process that results in the release of energy?
  25. Which component of protein is the body unable to oxidize? )
  26. With increasing exercise intensity greater blood lactate accumulation reflects increasing ATP resynthesis from which energy pathway?
  27. What is the term for water intoxication?
  28. What process refers to the synthesis of glucose, particularly from protein sources?
  29. Describe the reasons why oxygen consumption always lags behind energy expenditure at the onset of exercise.
  30. Why is it inaccurate to say that a 400 meter run is fueled solely by glycolysis?
  31. About how many grams of liquid or solid carbohydrate should be consumed each hour during high intensity, long duration (>1 h) aerobic exercise or repetitive bouts of near maximal intensity activity?
  32. What are the six forms of energy?
  33. What element serves as a final electron acceptor in the respiratory chain?
  34. List the three general components of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).
  35. Explain why an endurance trained athlete is better able to generate high blood lactate levels during maximal exercise.
  36. Why is oxygen consumption elevated for a prolonged time during recovery from prolonged aerobic exercise?
  37. Name two environmental factors that can influence resting metabolic rate.
  38. How are BMR and RMR typically expressed?
  39. What is the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms in carbohydrates?
  40. List and explain two ways one can increase running speed.
  41. List two important control conditions under which oxygen consumption is measured to estimate basal metabolic rate.
  42. Write the formula for net energy expenditure.
  43. Which type of food-fiber may reduce serum cholesterol levels in humans?
  44. What liver based process synthesizes glucose from the lactic acid released from active muscle tissue?
  45. List two factors that might contribute to gender differences in VO2max values.
  46. Calculate the Resting Daily Energy Expenditure (RDEE) for a male who weighs 90.9 kg and has a body fat estimation of 21% using the following formula: RDEE (kCal) = 370 + 21.6 (FFM, kg). Show your work.
  47. What RQ value represents mixture of 40% carbohydrate and 60% fat?
  48. Name two reasons why women expend 30% less energy than men for a given distance of swimming.
  49. Approximately what percentage of muscle mass is comprised of water?
  50. List three factors that may contribute to differences among individuals in their capacity to generate short-term anaerobic energy.
  51. What indirect calorimetry technique requires the subject to breathe ambient air?
  52. Give two reasons blood lactate levels are of interest to exercise physiologists?
  53. For the following individuals give their major contribution or major fact about them William Harvey, Galen, Antoine Lavoisier, William Beaumont, Claude Bernard, Austin Flint, Jr, Edward Hitchcock, George Well Fitz, D.B. Dill, P.O. Astrand.
  54. Name the first exercise physiology laboratory and associated degree program in the United States.
  55. Name two women who have made major contributions in science and briefly state what they did.
  56. Account, in detail, for the number of ATP derived from the complete oxidation of 1 mole of glucose. Be specific.
  57. Draw an illustration showing the processes of aerobic glycolysis. Name the major pathways and as many of the “intermediary” steps as possible. Show the number of hydrogen molecules released at each pathway
  58. Name the three different kinds of lipids, give an example of each and give one fact about each.
  59. Describe the process of esterification.
  60. How much dietary fiber should individuals consume and give 2 reasons why it is important in the diet?
  61. Discuss the importance of the glucose-alanine cycle.
  62. Which type of athlete probably requires a greater protein intake. Why?
  63. Describe a free radical.
  64. Name the three major antioxidant substances.
  65. Discuss the relevant factors contributing to the development of exercise related amenorrhea.
  66. Describe the DASH approach to hypertension.
  67. Give the difference between potential and kinetic energy.
  68. Write the equation for the oxidation of hydrogen and subsequent phosphorylation.
  69. If the average person stores enough energy as body fat to power a 750 mile run, why do athletes often experience impaired performance toward the end of a marathon performed under high-intensity, steady-rate aerobic metabolism?
  70. Discuss the “metabolic mill” and the important interconversions for atabolism and anabolism among carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  71. Derive the equation for oxygen uptake from the following: oxygen uptake = volume percent oxygen inspired – volume percent oxygen expired.


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