Wolverine Gaming Club - General Information

The Wolverine Gaming Club provides open gaming meeting space for its members and guests in the Michigan Union twice each month. Its mission is to promote all types of gaming in the Ann Arbor area and to support area hobbyists. We play board games, card games, roleplaying games, collectible card games, and minatures games: any kind of game.

Usually, meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, but sometimes we meet other Sundays due to the practicalities of scheduling at the Union. Please check the schedule for actual meeting times and location. Meetings for open gaming are 12 noon to 12 midnight unless otherwise specified. Business meetings are conducted at 5 PM during the last meeting of each month. Anyone present may make announcements to the club at business meetings.

There is a gaming convention called U•CON Game Convention, held each fall at the Michigan Union. If you would like to volunteer, gamemaster, or otherwise participate U•CON this year, check out the convention web site.

Visitors are always welcome. The scheduled date and room for each meeting appear on the schedule page. For directions, or additional information, e-mail me. If you want to comment about the website or join the informational email list then email the webmaster.

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