I doubt you will actually find anything of interest here. My two main webpages are located at scmillennium.com and wcmillennium.com, both of which are in need of updating, new staff, and work. I do not have time to do everything by myself, especially with my class load last term and this term at UM. If you're interested in Starcraft and/or Warcraft and would like to help out on the pages, let me know, I would love the help.

One of the classes I am enrolled in this semester at UM is English 414. You can view my portfolio here. That's all folks, I hope you weren't expecting to find anything interesting here. I do not consider this my homepage, I consider my two other websites my homepage, so don't expect to see any ground-breaking updates here. If I get time, I intend to work on my other websites first, unfortunately I doubt I will have any free time until the end of April.