Norwescon 34 Links

John Lawler

  1. Who I am.
    I am a recently retired linguistics professor from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, with a lifelong interest in F/SF.
    I live now in Bellingham, WA. My regular Web site is linked to my name above, and I'm on Facebook, too, as "John Lawler ... Michigan".
    Here's some credentials:

  2. What I'm doing at the con.
    Now that I'm retired, I'm trying to pick up my fanac where I originally left it at Torcon II in 1973.
    I did a couple panels on linguistics (as I like to say, the best-kept secret in America) at Norwescon 33 last year.
    This year the con committee want me to do it again in a bigger room, during Prime Time.

  3. Post-Con notes
    So, I gave two talks at Norwescon 34; clicking on the link below gives you a (6-page) handout.
    1. Fictional Linguistics Friday 4/22 9 pm Cascade 10
      About weird language phenomena suitable for aliens
    2. Language Fossils Saturday 4/23 3 pm Cascase 10
      About language change and Proto-Indo-European

    3. In the event, we talked about quite a few topics, on and off the handouts.
      After I got home, I realized that in the talks I was telling many of the stories summarized in this (oddly enough) 6-page handout,
      from a talk based on this paper, "Style Stands Still". If you still want to see how those stories all fit together, try the paper,
      which is an essay produced for a special issue on metaphor of an scademic literary journal (Style).

      I should also point out especially some links relevant to various questions from people:

Last change 12/3/15
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