Usability Principles

  1. Style has meaning.
  2. Navigation has meaning.
  3. People need to know:
    1. at a glance what sort of site this is
    2. at a glance where they are on the site
    3. which site this is
  4. Think about logos
  5. Think about tag lines
  6. Think about look-and-feel
  7. People don't like to scroll
  8. People don't like to read
  9. Consider readers v consulters v users
  10. Test usability by:
    1. having a friend try out the site
    2. watching people try out the site
    3. quizzing people before and/or after trying out the site


Net seach under "website usability," especially Jakob Nielsen's
For sample usability testing script, see Steve Krug's example at