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Neha Kaul

Ph.D. Student, Mechanical Engineering
M.S.E. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of
Engineering, Bangalore, India

Hometown: Bangalore, India
Contact: nehakaul·'at'·umich·'dot'·edu

My research interests are in the binding of taxol to microtubules, microtubule dynamics, tubulin post-translational modifications and their influence on microtubule-kinesin interactions. The binding site of taxol in the lumen of a microtubule has previously been identified by Nogales et al. I am currently working on a single molecule experiment to identify the route for diffusion of taxol into microtubules. Future work would involve locating the position of the taxol molecule in its proposed transient binding site and the shift to the final binding site.

university of michigan
department of mechanical engineering