Paper #2

Due Date: Tuesday, 10/31 in class

     This paper will be somewhat more in-depth than Paper #1, and a bit longer as well (though I can't really give you number of pages it will be-- plan on 1 or 2 more pages than Paper #1).
You were in on the planning of the study, so you should have more to talk about when you set up your hypotheses and then discuss your results.  Your paper should include the following sections (note that the hints beneath each section are just that, hints; they do not comprise an all-inclusive list of what to include in each section):

 Title Page
* You must have page #s and a shortened header on the upper right of each page.

* A one-paragraph summary of your paper (150 words or less) should be the first page after the title page.  This should be the only paragraph on p. 2, and you should label it "Abstract" (see APA manual and Stangor appendix for details).

* You must cite Gaertner & Dovidio's article from the coursepack (the full reference is provided on the coursepackís first page), which you can use to introduce/discuss research on racial attitudes and aversive/modern racism.
* You must cite Gordon's article from the coursepack. One way to do this would be to mention how previous researchers have considered how race and racial attitudes are related to perceptions of the legal system.  Your paper then deals with two specific legal opinions.
* No outside readings besides the coursepack are required.
* You must present two hypotheses, each involving the correlation between one legal opinion and the racism score.
* You must explain why you are making each prediction by using the coursepack readings, your 380 knowledge, or just common sense.  But make your reasoning explicit-- your hypotheses should not seem to appear out of thin air.

* Using the demographic information from the questionnaire, you should describe the racial and gender breakdown of our participants, as well as the range and mean of their ages.
* Describe the entire questionnaire (e.g., "the questionnaire consisted of 12 legal opinion questions followed by..."), but provide the exact wording only for the two legal attitude questions related to your hypotheses.
* The six racial questions are from the Modern Racism scale (McConahay, 1986).  Full reference: McConahay, J.B. (1986).  Modern racism, ambivalence, and the modern racism scale.  In J. Dovidio, & S. Gaertner [Ed.], Prejudice, discrimination, and racism. (pp. 91-125).  Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
* Any decisions we made about the order/wording the questionnaire can be explained here if you deem them relevant.  You can also bring this up again in the discussion if you have reason to (future directions/weaknesses).
* Go through your two hypotheses one at a time; were they supported?
* You have two different correlations to report
* Means and SD for the two legal opinion questions and the Modern Racism scale belong in Table 1

* This should be much more sophisticated than in Paper #2.
* What were the findings?
* If they supported the hypotheses, what are their real-world implications?
* If they didn't support the hypotheses, why not?  Did the study have weaknesses and/or was the hypothesis flawed?
* You might very well find that one hypothesis is supported and the other isn't.  Thatís fine.  Address them one at a time, and be specific in your analyses and speculations.

 References & Table 1

 General Note
* It is not unusual to write a paper with more than one hypothesis.  Your two predictions will be related somehow, seeing as both relate a legal opinion to racism, and this is why they are included in the same study.  So you can have one introduction that leads to both of them by focusing on the general issue of legal opinions and racial attitudes.  Then you will address them separately in the method, results, and discussion, though you can also end up with broad observations about the legal system and racism.

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