Philosophy 433       History of (Modern) Ethics                    Darwall                    Winter 2004                           
Required Readings (available from Shaman Drum Bookshop, 313 S. State Street):
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (Chs. 1-17, 21) (HL)
Francis Hutcheson, An Inquiry into the Origin of our Idea of Virtue (Secs. 1-3, parts of 
               and 5,7) (HI) (available online:
Joseph Butler, Sermons and “Dissertation on Virtue” (BS) (BD)
David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (Bk. II.iii.3; Bk. IIIi.1-III.ii.6) (HT)
Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (Bks. I and II) (RS)
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason  (KC)
Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Foundations of Natural Right (§1-§4) (FF)
Jeremy Bentham, The Principles of Morals and Legislation (Chs. I-V, X) (BP)
Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals (NG)
Stephen Darwall, The British Moralists and the Internal ‘Ought’:  1640-1740 (required 
               for graduate students) (DB)
Course Requirements:  For undergraduates:  one short paper (5-7 pages), one longer paper (10-15 pages), final exam.
For graduate students:  one short paper (5-7 pages), one longer paper (10-15 pages) + one rewrite, final exam.  The initial draft of the longer paper will be due on April 6.  There will also be a biweekly discussion section for graduate students.


Jan       6          Intro                             Grads: DB, ch 1

            8          Hobbes I                      HL, intro, chs 1-5

            13        Hobbes II                     HL, chs 6-9, Grads: Darwall, “Normativity and Projection in Hobbes’s Leviathan,” Philosophical Review 109 (2000): 313-347;                                                              available online:


            15        Hobbes III                   HL, chs 10-15, Grads: DB, ch. 3

            20        Hobbes IV                   HL, chs 16-17, 21

            22        Hutcheson I                  HI, intro, secs 1-2

            27        Hutcheson II                 HI, secs 2-3, Grads: DB, ch. 8

            29        Hutcheson III               HI, secs 4-6

Feb        3        Hutcheson IV               HI, sec 7

              5        Butler I                         BS, pref, sermons 1-3, GR

            10        Butler II                        BS, sermons 4-5, Grads: DB, ch. 9

            12        no class

            17        Butler III                      BD

            19        Hume I                         HT, II.iii.3

Mar        2        Hume II                        HT, III.i.1-2

              4        Hume III                      HT, III,ii.1-2, Grads: DB, ch. 10

              9        Hume IV                      HT, III.ii.3-6

            11        Rousseau I                   RS, Bks I-II

            16        Kant I                          KC, Pref and intro

            18        Kant II                         KC, ch 1

            23        Kant III                        KC, ch 2

            25        Kant IV                        KC, ch 3

            30        Fichte I                         FF, §1-§4

Apr        1        Bentham I                     BP, chs 1-5

              6        Bentham II                   BP, ch 10

              8        Nietzsche I                   NG, ch 1

            13        Nietzsche II                  NG, ch 2

            15        Nietzsche III                 NG, ch 3

            20        Summing Up