This building is the first armory of Ann Arbor, and only the third armory to be built in the state of Michigan. A law was passed in 1910 which enabled local communities to house military units. In response to this law, the armory was immediately constru cted in 1911 on the corner of Ann and North Fifth Avenue. It was built by the Koch Brothers for a total of $25,000. The interior includes a drill room, reading room, billiard room, orderly rooms, and an indoor shooting range among others. It is now the home base for the Company D 156 Signal Battalion. The building design has been referred to as "Collegiate Gothic" due to its small turrets and octagonal towers. In addition to being an armory, the building offers a large hall open to the public for wed dings, dances, and other social events. In 1975 the room was where the election-night ballot count to look place when Albert Wheeler was elected as the first African-American mayor of Ann Arbor. The current Battalion is in the midst of moving to a new a rmory, leaving the future of this building as a decision in the making.