Maria Cotera
3666 Haven Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan


Preparatory Assignments–Web Project


The following three preparatory assignments are to be submitted by the dates listed on the syllabus. These assignments are all group assignments which require the creation of web pages of increasing complexity. Download the PDF for each assignment for detailed instructions on format and submission.

Create a Home Page

Using Dreamweaver, create a Home Page for your project. Choose at least one background color and create a basic design. Your Home Page doesn't have to be fancy at this point, but I don't want to see any blank white pages either. Save your Home Page with the following file name: Index.html and upload it to your folder in the "student projects" folder.

The Home Page should include the following:
1) title of your project
2) a list of all team members
3) project prospectus outlining the scope and purpose of your website
4) a research plan that includes a list of at least two scholarly sources that you intend to use in researching your project and a brief overview of your group's plan to share and coordinate work on the project.
5) a link to the AC213 main page

1. Write an Introduction
Using Dreamweaver write an introduction to your website that offers a preliminary overview of the content. The Introduction should be at least two paragraphs in length and it should replace the project prospectus and research plan on your home page with more substantive information on your topic based on your preliminary research and reading.

2. Create a Bibliography Page, an Image Source Page, and a Credits Page
Using Dreamweaver, create three additional pages of your website and upload them to the "student projects" folder:

The bibliography.html page should consist of a properly formatted list of six or more works, including at least one book and at least one journal article, that you have identified as potentially useful for your research. At least three of your citations should be annotated. See the AC213 bibliography page for tips on building and formatting your annotated bibliography.

The imagesource.html page should include at least three images that you are planning to use in your website. Make sure you properly attribute the image source and indicate whether or not you have asked for (and received) permission to use the image. See the working with images page for more information on this aspect of the web project.

The Credits.html page should display a list of all team members and any other information that you think is relevant.

Website Outline and Notes Page
In this assignment you will create a website outline that includes all of the different linked pages on your website as well as a Notes.html page where you will place your footnotes.

1) Website Outline: Create a schematic overview of the structure and content of your site in the form of a provisional skeleton site, consisting of your Home page and linked pages containing brief summaries of their eventual content and links to the other main pages to which they will be connected. 

2) You should also create a Notes.html page that contains all of the relevant bibliographic information (author, title, publisher, page numbers) for any quotations/citations drawn from your sources. The Notes.html page is not the same as your Bibliography.html page which contains an alphabetized (by author) list of ALL of the sources you used in your research (even those you did not quote from). Your Notes.html page lists only those sources that you cite directly. See the citing sources page for more information on this aspect of the web project.


IMPORTANT! You must evaluate your experience!
Within 48 hours of completing the final submission, each member of the group is required to submit a two-page project evaluation to the instructor. Please see the above PDF for more details.

(Some of the information in these links has been brought to you courtesy of Professor David Porter, who developed a number of website production resources for his course on 18th century England. If you'd like to take a look at some really exciting examples of what you can do with this project check out his class website, Eighteenth Century England.)

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