Health Care Footnotes

  1. Stern, Professor Alex. Power Point Lecture, Ann Arbor, MI. (29 November 2005), 3.
  2. Stern, 29 November 2005. 3.
  3. Chronic Diseas in Minority Populations. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (1994), 32.
  4. Loue, Sana. Gender, Ethnicity and Health Research. (New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999), 82.
  5. Dower, Catherine. "Bilingual Proficiency among California's Health Care". UCSF Center for the Health Professions. (2005), <> (24 November 2005), 1.
  6. Kramer, Elizabeth J., Susan L. Ivey, and Yu-Wen Ying eds. Immigrant Women's Health. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999), 14.
  7. Kramer, Immigrant. 16.
  8. Chronic. 32.
  9. Kramer, Immigrant. 16.
  10. Kramer, Immigrant>. 17.
  11. Kramer, Immigrant>. 50.
  12. Hargraves, J. Lee. "Insurance Gap and Minority Health Care, 1997-2001." Center for Studying Health System Change. (June 2005),<> (12 December 2005), 5.
  13. Stern, 29 November 2005. 3.
  14. Aguirre-Molina, Marilyn and Carlos Molina eds. Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. (Washington D.C.: American Public Health Association, 1994),117
  15. Kramer, Immigrant>. 16.


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