Annotated Bibliography

“Biography of Alfonso Cuaron.” The Internet Movie Database. 2005, <> ( 9 November 2005).

 This fan portrays a brief look into the life story of Latino Director Alfonso Cuaron.  The biography provides information about his childhood, how he came into the film making scene, and career achievements. 

Boncanegra, Enrique, “Biography of Alejandro González Iñárritu,” The Internet Movie Database. 2005 <> (9 November 2005).

This biography explores the life of Latino Director Alejandro Gonzalez.  It provides information about his childhood, why he became a director, and career achievements.   It also highlights his educational background.

Chon A. Noriega. “Imagined Borders:  Locating Chicano Cinema in America/America,”  in The Ethnic Eye: Latino Media Arts, ed. Chon a Noriega and Ana M. Lopez. 3-21, Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, (1996).

This book contains various articles about Latino Cinema in America.  This article explores the beginning of Chicano Cinema in the Americas.  It highlights major television shows, directors, and film that were pivotal in the foundation of Chicano Cinema. 

Erens, Patricia. “Images of Minority and Foreign Groups in American films:1958-73.”  Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media no. 7, (1975),    <>   (9 November 2005).

Erens explores how minorities such as Asians, Jews, and Latinos are represented in Hollywood cinema.  She provides a list of films starring minorities and their portrayal in those films.  Also she explores why these stereotypes exist and how they can be harmful to society.  

Lewis III, Charles S. “Biography for Robert Rodriguez.” The Internet Movie Database. 2005 <> (9 November 2005).

This brief biography by Lewis explores the life and career of Latino Director Robert Rodriguez.  It explains how he started his career into cinema, the foundation of his love for cinema, and career achievements. 

Trevino, Jesus Salvador. “Latino portrays in film and Television.” Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media no. 30, (1985). <> (14 December 2005).

This article explores how Latinos have been portrayed in popular American Film and Culture.  It gives examples of Latino representations in films from the silent era to modern times.  It also explains the implications and negative effects of these stereotypes.    

