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Anonymous Immigrant Solidarity Network. in National Immigrant Solidarity Network [database online]. Los Angeles, California, 2006 [cited 11/8/06 2006]. Available from

This online journal gives statistics on the Latino population in the United States or more so the immigrant population.


United Food and Commercial Workers International Union,2006,UFCW-A Voice for the Working America,

This Website gives the overview of the union. It gives information on the different industries, history, people, and the current involvement of workers.


Padilla T., Maria. Hispanics stay quiet on affirmative action. in The Orlando Sentinel [database online]. Orlando,Florida, 2002 [cited 11/08 2006]. Available from .

This article covers the participation of Hispanics vs. the participation of black citizenson one of the most controversial issues of today-affirmative action. While many of the numbers and statistics appear to be similar in terms of population and college enrollment, the visiblilty of Hispanics is almost non-existant when it comes to taking a stand on issues.


Passel, Jeffrey S. 2005. Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Undocumented Population.March Edition ed. Washington DC: Pew Hispanic Center.

This journal gives statistics and numbers of certain aspects of the Latino population here in the United States.


Rodriguez, Robert P. D. 2005. Bridging the Diversity Gap. ed.

This article refers to the corporate world and their strides towards making the workplace more diverse. Companies everywhere seem to be using more leadership programs emphasizing multicultural initiatives in efforts to look at issues with new perspectives. Employeee Affinity groups are also discussed. These groups are voluntary and driven by employees themselves with purpose to creat a forum for the exchange of ideas and to strengthen the linkage to and within diverse communities. Other topics of discussion include diverstiy recruiting, mentoring programs, instructional design, and inclusive work environments.


Walsh-Sarnecki, Peggy. 2006. U-M president says she'll go to court over affirmative action ban. Detroit Freepress News Press, .

This article discusses the reaction of Mary Sue Coleman to the passing of Proposition 2 in a recent state election in Michigan and the University of Michigan taking action in going to court. The importance of diversity in education is especially emphasized. Coleman reflects on her own personal experiences, and how important diversity was in her time her at the university as a student, and without affirmative action it would not have been possible. She expresses her desire in providing as many opportunities for women and minorities.


Hispanic American Bibliography. 1998. Hispanic Heritage: Dolores Huerta.

This site has numerous bibliographies of various famous people. This page focuses on the life and hard work of Dolores Huerta, the well known activist for farm workers rights.


Hispanic American Bibliography. 1998. Hispanic Heritage: Cesar Chavez.

This site has numerous bibliographies of various famous people. This page focuses on the life of Cesar Chavez and more so on his hunger strike and dedication to better the life and working conditions of farmer workers all across the nation.


Chafe William H. The Unfinished Journey, America Since World War II. Oxford University Press, USA, 2002

This popular and classic text chronicles America's roller-coaster journey through the decades since World War II. Considering both the paradoxes and the possibilities of post-war America, Chafe portrays the significant cultural and political themes which have colored our country's past and present, including issues of race, class, gender, foreign policy, and economic and social reform. Chafe examines such subjects as the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights movement, the origins and the end of the Cold War, the culture of the 1970s, the Reagan years, the Clinton presidency, and the events of September 11th and their aftermath.


Students Organizing for Labor Equality, 2006,

This website gives the overview of the SOLE organization on the University of Michiagn Campus.


Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affair, 2006,

This website gives the overview of the ALMA program at the University of Michigan. There are testimonials, pictures, along with the basic information and goals  of the program.


MIRA, 2006,

This website gives a brief description of MIRA, there is also event information, pictures, and meeting times.


PALMA, 2006, Proyecto Avance: Latino Mentoring Association,

This website gives the basic information of the PALMA program, such as the description and meeting times.


MALDEF, 2006, Welcome to MALDEF,

This website includes information about the MALDEF organization and includes other resources for Latinos seeking legal help and information


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Created by: Xavier Segura, Monica Madrid, Santos Perez, Eric Soto 2006