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Glassmen drumline videos from summer 2004

One great thing about having your parent(s) on tour is that they can take video of your rehearsals on a daily basis. So, while we are all waiting for to get their act together and put up all the video they took of us over the summer, I finally got around to going through my mom's footage. Here's the best of it, mostly from the last rehearsal day (day before Quarterfinals), in Ogallala, Nebraska.

Worth noting is that most of these files are fairly large, and require Windows Media capabilities to watch. If you can't watch them, tell me!

This next one is a fairly dirty, but very cool midseason run-through filmed from the field by our quad tech Devin. This was during a rainy ensemble rehearsal in Pickerington, OH. The ballad and slow section of the closer are, of course, skipped.

WARNING: large file size, >100MB!

Here's a couple clips of random tour life...these should be self-explanatory.