Guidelines of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee at the University of Michigan

In accordance with by-laws set forth by the National ADC chapter in Washington, DC, we wish to write these by-laws for two main purposes: 1) to clarify any confusion about existing by-laws, 2) and to create additional guidelines in light of our committee formations and extended executive board meetings.  Therefore, we set forth the following guidelines in order to create greater efficiency and understanding within our organization.

I.  Executive Officers
 A.  President

The duties of the President are as follows:
1) to run executive board meetings as outlined in ADC by-laws,
2) to effectively represent the organization at all times, especially when the media is involved,
3) to be the highest authority on disputes concerning interpretation of the by-laws,
4) to attend all executive board meetings,
5) to unconditionally avoid making unilateral decisions on behalf of the organization when that decision has definite ramifications, whether they be material, political, economic, or social.

B.  Vice-President

The duties of the Vice-President are as follows:
1) to understand the fully the duties of the President in case of his/her absence at executive board meetings,
2) to effectively represent the organization at all times, especially when the media is involved,
3) to attend all executive board meetings,
4) to unconditionally avoid making unilateral decisions on behalf of the organization when that decision has definite ramifications, whether they be material, political, economic, or social.
5) to administrate over and moderate the general ADC e-mail group (
6) to carry out all liasion duties and make effective contacts with other organizations including the National ADC office in Washington, DC
7) to create deputies, when necessary and to a reasonable extent
 C.  Secretary

The duties of the Secretary are as follows:
1) to record happenings of executive board meetings,
2) to create an agenda for each executive board meeting,
3) to file minutes of each executive board meeting appropriately,
4) to attend all executive board meetings,
5) to unconditionally avoid making unilateral decisions on behalf of the organization when that decision has definite ramifications, whether they be material, political, economic, or social.
D.  Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer are as follows:
1) to keep all members of the organization, especially executive board members, aware of the organizationís fiscal status,
2) to advise executive board members, especially committee heads, on the financial feasibility of a particular activity,
3) to execute disbursements of reimbursement payments to members for any personal money spent,
4) to arrange for payment to outside parties of any services given to the organization,
5) to attend all executive board meetings,
6) to unconditionally avoid making unilateral decisions on behalf of the organization when that decision has definite ramifications, whether they be material, political, economic, or social.

III.  Executive Board Meetings

A.  Meeting Procedure

1) the secretary shall provide each executive board member in attendance with an agenda,
2) the President shall then call the meeting to order,
3) the President shall then ask if any member would like to propose any changes to the agenda,
    a) proposed changes shall be immediately accepted unless a vocal objection occurs,
4) the President will then present items on the agenda in the following manner:
    a) announce the item,
    b) in the case that no differing opinions exist on the matter, a vote shall be called for immediately,
    c) in the case that differing opinions do exist on the matter, he/she shall proceed to form a speakerís list as he/she recognizes speakers,
    d) acknowledge speakers and moderate debate, (speakerís time shall be limited to 2 minutes)
    e) ask for a vote when he/she deems the issue at debate exhausted,
    f) the President shall vote only in the event of a tie,
    g) immediately following the vote, the President shall then move on to the next item on the agenda until all agenda matters have been addressed,
    h) the President shall then ask for committee reports, (speakerís time shall be limited to 4 minutes*)
    i) the President shall then ask for officer reports, (speakerís time shall be limited to 2 minutes*)
    j) the President shall then give his/her report, (speakerís time be limited to 7 minutes)
    k) the President shall then adjourn the meeting.

* the President, upon speakerís request, may extend speakerís time

Completed November 4, 1997 by the ADC Executive Board comprising Amer G Zahr, Huwaida Arraf, Basil Alwattar, Intisar Elder, Bisan Salhi, Rima Abu-Isa, Amer Ardati, Susie Nakley, Imad El-Sayed, & William Youmans