Physics 125, Fall 1995 -- Lecture 1

© Timothy E. Chupp, 1995

1.1 Introduction

Welcome to Physics 125. This is a course about MOTION and its manifestations as Energy and Heat. It is a course about physics. Physics is about HOW things work; physicists try to figure out how things work. It is, of course, human nature to wonder such things, and science provides a self-consistent, testable, revisable way to study and systematize what we learn. The best way, it seems to me, to figure out how things work is to take them apart, to find out what the pieces are like and how they fit together. This will be our approach. We'll find that very few principles or laws are needed to describe a vast number of observations. Does it seem possible that scotch tape, static cling and lightning all follow from the same physical principle? That riding a bicycle and the motions of planets have much in common? The essence of physics is that there are so few fundamental pieces and principles, and the marvel of physics is that so many and such complex phenomena can be described with these few pieces and principles. We'll try very hard to focus on this essence as our enthusiasm for the marvel waxes. You must also try hard to remember this and return to this paragraph often.

My goals for this course are many, but most important, I want you to extend your intuitions ... to think like physicists. This means that you will come away with a new view of everything that happens around you looking a little more deeply and perceiving the (few) laws of physics at work. You must question, think abstractly, generalize what you observe and find ways to test your conclusion. Inductive reasoning -- the forming of a general premise for a set of observations -- is the basis of scientific thinking. Of course you will develop new skills and learn how to solve problems. For those who need it, excellent preparation for the MCAT and other exams is an important goal. The scientific way of thinking is crucial to effective problem solving as well (physics problems that is). Physics is not several hundred or thousand specific problems, each with a unique solution. Physics is comprised of the few basic laws, best and most precisely described mathematically, from which so many specific examples can be derived. And so your approach to problem solving should begin with the general, e.g. what's going on here? and evolve to the specific. This way of approaching problems is the basis of scientific thinking. It has proven successful in advancing physics and science for centuries and is reflected in the approach the "professionals" use to confront specific problems. Your most effective approach should also follow the pattern of scientific thinking. It begins with observation and the quantitative description of the observed. Don't worry, you'll get lots of practice.

1.2 The Scientific Process

Science is undertaken by an honored process of observation followed by generalization followed by experiment (i.e. observation) followed by refinement and so on. Here are the major steps in the Process of scientific investigation.

The Process

Observations and questions

Idealize problem: isolate the system

Quantify the problem (MATH)

What's going on? Generalize: make a hypothesis (induction)

Test it (predict the specific outcome of an experiment) (deduction)

Sharpen the hypothesis (but complication is ugly)

Often a leap is made to a new way of thinking (paradigm)

1.3 The Quantities of Motion

We'll begin our studies by examining motion. Motion is everywhere. From the largest objects - galaxies perhaps - to the smallest - electrons and similar particles - everything is moving. Our first picture of motion will encompass the motion of objects like arcing tennis balls, falling apples and colliding billiard balls and molecules. As we consider things in motion around us, the scientific question to ask is: What does the motion of every object have in common? or what is the essence of motion? Think about it. Watch (or imagine) a tennis match, a diver doing a 2-1/2 sommersault with a full twist in the pike position, the full moon over the course of a few hours, a hockey puck sliding slowly across the ice or a friend falling asleep in the library. The common feature of the motion of every object was first well stated by Issac Newton:

middle The motion of an object does not change unless an unbalanced force acts on it. gif

Thus a tennis ball travels in a straight line with unchanged speed when there is no force of gravity or air friction or strings of a tennis racket or ... well only when its sitting "still" is there no unbalanced force. When the ball is still, and there is no unbalanced force, it stays still -- it's motion does not change. Let's think about the hockey puck. (In lab you will use air tables which balance the downward force of gravity with the upward stream of air.) For perfect ice and a slowly moving puck (so that air friction is of little consequence) the motion does seem unchanged: the puck travels in a straight line at a constant rate. The moon? Gravity is the unbalanced force. The diver?

The assertion that an object's motion is unchanged unless an unbalanced force acts on it, generally called Newton's first law, is so basic, so powerful that it is called a law of nature. Laws of nature are never broken. To observe any phenomena contradicting any assertion is to label it a common observation, not a law.

As students of the physics of motion our goals are a description of motion and laws of physics that generalize motion. We begin with observations that require quantifying the motion of objects.

1.4 The Quantities of Motion

Physical quantities are, of course necessary, to describe motion as well as all other aspects studied in physics. Many of these physical quantities are familiar to us such as length, time, velocity, and perhaps mass. Many other fundamental quantities appear to be combinations of these familiar quantities. For example momentum is written as the product of mass and velocity, but momentum is a crucial fundamental quantity, perhaps more so than velocity.

Let's begin with the familiar example of speed or velocity. After this sentence we will use only the term velocity which means speed in a certain direction. Velocity is of course the rate of change of position which we write as

The arrow over reminds us that this quantity includes the direction in which the object is moving. is the change in position which also includes the direction. After all, moving to your left one meter is completely different from moving one meter straight up and so on. or is the interval of time during which the change in position of the object, takes place. Thus is really the average of the rate of change of position during the interval .

It is as essential to state the direction of motion as it is the magnitude or the units used. Physical quantities which have a direction as well as magnitude go by the name vector. We will deal with such quantities in one, two, and briefly in three dimensions. It is good practice to ask, always, if a physical quantity is a vector quantity. If so, remind yourself by writing it with an arrow as in . Manipulation of vectors will be discussed later. For the present time, I present a table of The Quantites of Motion and the international accepted units (SI or systeme international units).

1.5 Time

Time is characterized by its passage. The dictionary definition refers to the duration of an action or an interval. Time passes as you read from the beginning of this sentence to the end. It takes time to cover distances. Thus the important physical quantity describes the passage of time or a time interval. We label this as or .

Time and keeping time provide a perfect example of the interplay of technology and science. It has been useful, even essential to measure the passage of time since the dawn of civilization...knowing when the seasons will change, when the dark will come, how much daylight and how much night preoccupied early man. Today it's the start of the next class or meeting, computer "clock" speeds, the Global Positioning system, and the rate of pulsar revolution. Time is practically measured from millions of years to femtoseconds [10^(-15) seconds, 28 orders of magnitude!]. The progress of the modern science of motion has relied on even more precise clocks, capable of measuring ever smaller time intervals with greater stability. GPS works with atomic clocks on board an array of satellites (originally established for missile guidance). By measuring the propogation time delay of radio signals from four of the GPS satellites, the time and position of any receiver can be determined with an absolute accuracy of 20 meters! (The system is intentionally degraded by the military. It is actually capable of providing accuracy of 10 feet!). Atomic clocks are so good that the meter is now defined in terms of the distance light travels in 1/ 299,792,458 s in a vacuum. One second is the length of time it takes Cs-133 to undergo 9,192,631,770 vibrations. There's no need for a standard one meter long stick for comparison to all others.

The appropriate time interval for the modern study of motion is the second. The first clocks capable of measuring time in second-like intervals were pendulum clocks. Our hero Galileo was the first to note the isochronas pendulum -- the observation that the period of a swinging church chandelier seemed independent of the amplitude of the swings. Galileo, in church, timed the swings with his pulse ... not terribly reliable, but certainly worthy of the observation step early in the Process. Galileo was right only in the approximation that the angle of the swing is small as we will see later.

For now, we will learn just how inappropriate a person's pulse is as a time keeping device. (Imagine how excited Galileo must have become as he realized his discovery. It surely woke him up!) As we try to determine the distribution of pulse rates among those in a classroom, note the width of the distribution as well as the average. In fact, the current, true definition of the second and of universal time (depending on position, motion etc.) also relies on a distribution of clocks. In the U.S., the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. (Vice President's House) is the official keeper of time. Check it out on the World Wide Web at To know the exact time, call 1-900-410-TIME or 1-202-653-1800.

1.6 Length

Length is the measure of distances in space. From here to there is a distance which has a length, and for any two points in space the shortest distance connecting them is along a unique path, according to Euclidean geometry. gif This path is called the displacement () and is a vector quantity because you CAN point from here to there. The space of the physical universe apparently occupies three dimensions and thus objects have volume (with units of length^3) and surfaces have area (with units of length^2). But the physical quantity is measured in units of length, e.g. meters.

1.7 The Meter and the Speed of Light

The SI unit of length, the meter, is currently defined in terms of the second based on Cs-133 and the speed of light, c. Light, as we'll learn later, is a propagating change of electric and magnetic fields. This velocity of propogation in a vacuum has a constant magnitude called the speed of light. gif The time it takes light to travel a certain distance can be very precisely determined, more precisely than the length of a specific piece of material or the wavelength of light from a specific atomic transition. gif Thus, since 1983, the SI unit of length has been defined in terms of the time it takes light to travel that distance, i.e. 1 meter is 1/299,792,458 light seconds. The speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 m/s.

1.8 Metrology

The science and art of metrology is continually refining the precision of the units for physical quantities. Using atomic quantities as the definitions of the second, the meter and so on is natural and important because in this way the standard can never be lost. A standard meter stick, for example, could be broken, melted etc. Currently, the standard kilogram remains a piece of material, but work is proceeding steadily to replace the standard kilogram with an atomic standard. The criteria is always that the most precise possible definition is the best (thus the definition of the meter as 1/299,792,458 light seconds).

This assertion has survived since the 17th century, but had a pretty tough time of it over at least 2000 preceeding years as the influence of Aristotle had everyone thinking that every object's motion being different meant that there could be nothing in common. In fact Aristotelean thinking maintained that each objects motion was governed solely by its quantity of matter, which we call mass. Thus the Aristotelean notion that the heavier an object, the faster it reaches the ground, because that's where it wants to be. It took Galileo, the heroic father of Physics to make contrary arguments that survived. Galileo could explain in rather simple, graphical mathematical terms HOW a stone would fall under ideal conditions. Aristotle provided the explanation for WHY it fell. Aristotle's philosophy was not based on observation or the agreement of theory and experiment, rather it explained everything by reason and pure intellect. All motion had a specific explanation. For example an arrow is propelled by the air behind it and fire rises because it is light (the opposite of a stone.) That it took so long for physics to develop, and that we study several centuries of progress in a term or two is a credit to what has survived. For physics, like all enduring intellectual fields, has had to surmount the barriers of convention, intellect and limited technical and mathematical tools.

Galileo (1564-1642) taught at Pisa (1589-1592) but didn't get tenure. He was (Re)inventor of the telescope, and with it fist observed the moons of Jupiter, evidence of round planets and moons, the stars of the Milky Way and the pahses of Venus. This convinced him of correctness of Copernican view and he went public trying to convince Rome. He wrote a Dialogue pitting Copernican against Ptolemean views (1630) with Salviati (Galileo) -- Sagredo (open minded) -- Simplicio (the Aristotelean) Moods changed and his one time friend Pope Urban VIII and finally he stood trial and was condemned in 1633. He was 70 yrs old. His statement "Eppur si muove" means "and yet it moves." Wrote Noive Scienze (1633) including laws of motion

Non-Eucledean geometry includes a similar basic concept with the line segement replaced by a path called the geodesic.

It is a profound statement, that the velocity of propogation of light is a constant, and is the basis of Einstein's theory of relativity. We won't go into that here, but such an important assertion cannot go unnoted.

The meter was long defined as the length of a standard bar of platinum-iridium alloy (from 1889 to 1960) and in terms of the wavelength of a specific color of light emitted by 20#20Kr until 1983.

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