The Microbits Peripheral Products MPP-1000C modem is unique to the Atari computer as it is designed to operate from the second joystick port rather than from a standard RS-232 interface like that found on the Atari 850. The benefit of this is obvious, the expensive 850 interface is not required for operation. However, because of the need for a special software driver to make the joystick port function as an asynchronous communica tions port, it will only work with the Smart Terminal software provided on ROM cartridge with the modem. The MPP terminal software provides for two types of up or download protocols. The first method is simply to save a downloaded file to a memory buffer by using the OPTION key to manually open and close the BUFFER. The second option is to select the X-MODEM protocol. X-MODEM automatically corrects any transmission errors that might occur because of a bad connection, random phone noise, etc. This is similar in function to the TSCOPE protocol used on this SIG but it is NOT compatible. Because of this incompatibility, the only way an MPP user can download from the Atari SIG is to manually download to a buffer or a disk drive with no error checking. Although this is not as convenient as X-MODEM, most files on this board can still be downloaded in the following ways. A standard basic file can be download ed by selecting the BROWSE function in one of the XA databases (please see other help files on using the ACCESS portion of the SIG for more help on these functions or obtain the Compuserve guide to Special Interest Group/Forum by ordering through Feedback). After presenting a description of the file three options are presented; Read the file, Download the file or return to menu. Pressing will force a description of the next file in the database. To download the file press . Three messages will appear on the screen. The last message will end with three periods. When you see the three periods press the