/mac/game/war/bolo/misc/00index.txt This list is intended to include all and only the files within this directory. You may find that some of the paths listed here do not point to this directory. That is ok; the physical paths are given here but there may be a link in another location. If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write comments@mac.archive.umich.edu. SIZE DATE (KBYTES) ARCHIVED COMPRESSION FORMAT(S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /mac/game/war/bolo/misc/infopacketsource.txt 8 7/25/93 Text UNIX C code to access Bolo's game infomation packet interface. /mac/game/war/bolo/misc/mapratings.txt 38 11/15/93 Text Vital statistics on most of the Bolo maps available at mac.archive.umich.edu. /mac/game/war/bolo/misc/recgamesbolofaq1.9.txt 108 1/29/94 Text Frequently-asked questions (and their answers) regarding many facets of the game Bolo.