These are the escape sequences for the vt100 PF Keys. \033 signifies octal 33, or Escape (ESC). KEY SEQUENCE MTS VISUAL EDITOR COMMAND PF 0 \033Op update screen with changes PF 1 \033Oq display 10 lines back PF 2 \033Or copy data to work field PF 3 \033Os display to line 1 of file PF 4 \033Ot display forward 10 lines PF 5 \033Ou insert work field at cursor PF 6 \033Ov display to line 1000 PF 7 \033Ow display forward 1 line PF 8 \033Ox execute work field as a command PF 9 \033Oy display to end of file PF 10 \033OP insert null lines PF 11 \033OQ extend current line PF 12 \033OR display to previous file location PF 13 \033OS display 10 lines back PF 14 \033Om copy data to work field PF 15 \033Ol display to line 1 of file PF 16 \033OM display forward 10 lines PF 17 \033On insert work field at cursor Cursor Keys Up \033[A Down \033[B Right \033[C Left \033[D The vt100 keypad on the Macintosh looks like this: _______________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | insert null | extend current | display to | display 10 | | lines | line | previous file | lines back | | | | location | | | | | | | | PF 10 | PF 11 | PF 12 | PF 13 | | | | | | |_________________|_________________|_________________|_________________| | | | | | | display forward | execute work | display to end | copy data to | | 1 line | field as a | of file | work field | | | command | | | | | | | | | PF 7 | PF 8 | PF 9 | PF 14 | | | | | | |_________________|_________________|_________________|_________________| | | | | | | display forward | insert work | display to | display to line | | 10 lines | field at | line 1000 | 1 of file | | | cursor | | | | | | | | | PF 4 | PF 5 | PF 6 | PF 15 | | | | | | |_________________|_________________|_________________|_________________| | | | | | | display 10 | copy data to | display to | | | lines back | work field | line 1 of file | | | | | | | | | | | | | PF 1 | PF 2 | PF 3 | display forward | | | | | 10 lines | |_________________|_________________|_________________| | | | | | | update screen with current | insert work | PF 16 | | changes | field at | | | | cursor | | | | | | | PF 0 | PF 17 | | | | | | |___________________________________|_________________|_________________| Some functions of the MTS visual editor are activated by control sequences. Here is a list of them. CONTROL SEQUENCE FUNCTION Control-E Exit visual mode Control-C Exit visual mode, work area in conversation buffer Control-Z Cursor to end of line Control-B Cursor to beginning of line Control-V Cursor to work field Control-T Cursor to top left of screen Control-K Cursor to start of previous line Control-M Cursor to start of next line (return) Control-H Cursor to previous character (backspace) Control-I Tab Control-D Delete character at cursor Control-W Delete word at cursor Control-X Delete from cursor to end of line Control-A Toggle insert mode Control-G Rewrite line without current changes Control-L Rewrite screen without current changes Control-R Rewrite screen with current changes