/mac/util/developer/00index.txt This list is intended to include all and only the files within this directory. You may find that some of the paths listed here do not point to this directory. That is ok; the physical paths are given here but there may be a link in another location. If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write comments@mac.archive.umich.edu. SIZE DATE (KBYTES) ARCHIVED COMPRESSION FORMAT(S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /mac/util/developer/37thresex1.20.sit.hqx 50 1/8/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Extracts commonly used resources (icons, text, sounds, etc.) from files; the more memory it gets, the more files may be extracted at once via drag-n-drop; requires System 7. /mac/util/developer/aboutthismacintosh1.47.cpt.hqx 25 3/28/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Tell you "everything" (read: not much at all) you would ever want to know about your Macintosh. /mac/util/developer/abox1.8.sit.hqx 504 10/25/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A set of C++ classes. The ABox can be used to display a set of modal boxes including Topics and Slides, which makes it useful for tasks such as enhanced about boxes, online reference, help, etc. /mac/util/developer/abzmon0.9.cpt.hqx 496 1/28/96 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A low level debugger (installed as an extension) with a graphical interface for PowerMacs! Includes French and English documentation. /mac/util/developer/aeventdisplay1.3.cpt.hqx 43 9/22/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Display a text description of any AppleEvent sent to the program. /mac/util/developer/akuasweets1.02.sit.hqx 45 9/7/97 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 AppleScript function that checks for the existance of a file or folder within another folder. The optional creation flag allows the creation of a folder if there is no such object in the folder. /mac/util/developer/apphider1.1.cpt.hqx 7 3/26/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 "Hides" an application from the Finder. Handy for cases where you have two apps which share the same creator (e.g. SimpleText and TeachText) and you want the document to be opened with the app you want. Few enhancements. /mac/util/developer/aretha0.b1.sit.hqx 862 6/8/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A beta release of the freebie Userland Frontier scripting program. Includes the app, the beta object database, and a page which will allow you to access the website to get the most up-to-date info. /mac/util/developer/attributorfat1.11.sit.hqx 63 6/23/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Change the resource attributes of a specific resource or of a whole resource family in a single pass; FAT Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs. /mac/util/developer/balloonhelpcompiler1.0.sit.hqx 128 12/5/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 You can now use Codewarrior to compile text file descriptions of menu and dialog balloon help into appropriate resources (i.e. "hmnu", "hdlg", etc.) so your apps can have Balloon Help. /mac/util/developer/blackholepacker1.0.sit.hqx 124 8/8/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Two utils allowing the programmer to compress and decompress files from within the program, reducing the size of the data; can be used on any daya type (sound, graphics, code, etc.); requires System 7 or more and is 680x0 compatible. /mac/util/developer/brainhex1.0.sit.hqx 436 4/16/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Hex file editor allows viewing and editing of contents of either data or resource fork of a file in hex code; opens multiple file forks simultaneously, creates new forks, search/replaces forward and back, more. /mac/util/developer/cafterdark.sit.hqx 17 2/12/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Resources which help you to create your own After Dark modules Includes interface code, base & subbase routines, and an example project. /mac/util/developer/cgishell1.3.cpt.hqx 412 6/16/97 BinHex4.0,Compact1.50 Pocket Forth code for creating CGI's and forms handlers for WebSTAR/MacHTTP; Pocket Forth 6.5 is included with manual and examples. /mac/util/developer/changever1.01.sit.hqx 12 7/4/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Changes the integer number in the resource of type 'pVer' of the project to 1. It should be 1 for version 1.0 and 2 for version 1.1. This allows you to compile project created for 1.1 (CW4) under and 1.0 (CW4) compiler. /mac/util/developer/cleandoc1.2fat.sit.hqx 113 2/12/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Drag-n-drop file converter for software developers for text conversions, project and resource files for their favourite development environment; FAT. /mac/util/developer/cleanresource1.0.sit.hqx 17 4/16/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Removes the names of all resources of a file when file is dropped on application's icon; runs on any Mac using System 7. /mac/util/developer/clearres.sit.hqx 9 4/9/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Zero the resource fork of any file. DANGEROUS -- This will trash any application, but is useful for cleaning up MPW interface files and clearing documents that store settings (and ONLY settings!) in resource forks. /mac/util/developer/clocktools2.21.cpt.hqx 6 3/28/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Test the integrity of your clock chip. /mac/util/developer/codewarriortclport1.52.sit.hqx 332 10/2/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A set of files to compile the Think Class Library version 2.0 with the Metrowerks CodeWarrior 68K and PowerPC compilers. /mac/util/developer/commentconverter1.0.sit.hqx 38 12/24/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Convert C-style comments to C++-style comments, and vice versa. /mac/util/developer/controls.sit.hqx 13 5/10/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Resources for three various CDEF controls. Thumbwheel (tiny arrows, like the kind you see in general control panel), On&Off Toggles, and a TriState box. /mac/util/developer/controlstriptester1.0.sit.hqx 22 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Host a Control Strip module for debugging purposes so that you don't have to reboot to try out new modules or test new code. /mac/util/developer/convertprojects1.0b6.sit.hqx 77 9/26/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Convert THINK C or Pascal projects to CodeWarrior projects. /mac/util/developer/cwcolorfixpatch1.17.sit.hqx 21 8/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Fixes CodeWarrior environment to display correctly when custom menu colors (e.g. Greg's Buttons, Aaron, etc.) are present; patch contains a replacement MDEF. /mac/util/developer/dansourcecodeconv1.11.sit.hqx 33 6/19/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An aid for converting C source code into Pascal. Takes care of the easily translated bits of C and leaves the more "interesting" conversions for the programmer to deal with. /mac/util/developer/dataforkeditor1.2.cpt.hqx 113 2/20/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Edit the data fork of any file using ResEdit. Any type of resource can be used as a template for reading the data fork's contents. /mac/util/developer/detective1.4.cpt.hqx 42 2/20/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Track what programs are run on your Mac. If you have several users, you can see what applications they use. Perfect for the paranoid. /mac/util/developer/dropmpsr.cpt.hqx 90 2/2/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Drag-n-drop app that changes MPSR resource (font, font size, window position) as well as file creator. Handy if you look at source code written by other people. Includes source. /mac/util/developer/easyerrors1.11.sit.hqx 63 3/19/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Find meanings for System Error number codes. For any error it will display the result code word and a very brief description. Includes Newton errors, too! /mac/misc/demo/ecdemocw.sit.hqx 44 8/23/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 This add-on to the Think or Code Warrior environments adds an "Edit Comment..." item to the Edit menu. When you choose it, it will present an editing window which shows the revision comment of the front window's file (and other source control information). Of course, the file must be under source control (Projector , SourceServer, or SourceSafe). /mac/util/developer/errditor1.1.sit.hqx 49 6/23/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Edit the alert and welcome messages in the System file. /mac/util/developer/fmateditor1.01.sit.hqx 19 12/24/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A ResEdit editor for creating, and sample code for using "canonical formats." With these formats and the Script Manager, you can easily format 80-bit floating point values in an internationally correct fashion. /mac/util/developer/fmnueditor.hqx 2 12/10/91 BinHex4.0 FMNU resource template for ResEdit 2.1. /mac/util/text/forth2latex1.9.cpt.hqx 127 3/19/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Converts Forth code to Latex format for nice printing. Includes source. Very simple interface. /mac/util/developer/gestalt3.00.cpt.hqx 47 5/15/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Display the values of the Gestalt parameters (in Systems newer than 6.0.4). You'll have to figure out what they mean yourself. /mac/util/developer/globalsearch1.03.sit.hqx 13 6/2/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Search for an hexadecimal or character string in all the resources of a file. /mac/util/developer/globalviewer1.06.sit.hqx 47 8/21/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Check the data of Low Memory Global Variables with its meaning, address and data length. Data is shown in Hex format, but if it is a Pascas String, it's shown in ASCII. /mac/util/developer/gourmet1.0b2.sit.hqx 112 3/20/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Fattens your code. It merges, under a GUI interface, the 68K and PPC code you've produced w/o the commandline MPW and the ilk are known for. /mac/util/developer/gps.cpt.hqx 32 4/27/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A graphical representation of where processes are in memory along with process statistics. Includes THINK C source. /mac/util/developer/gsuhexkey.sit.hqx 50 3/20/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 HexKey is a number conversion tool. This is actually a programmer's tool, but it may be useful to other power users. Converts Decimal or Hexadecimal numbers to 10 other common Macintosh formats. If you don't know a Fixed from a Fract, you don't need it. /mac/util/developer/guidecomposerdemo1.0.sit.hqx 848 9/26/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.07 Demo version of a commercial Apple Guide Authoring Tool, Guide Composer from StepUp Software. Guide Composer lets any Mac user develop Apple Guide files for any new or existing application, with an easy point-and-click interface. Demo limits number of topics. /mac/util/developer/hexedit1.07.sit.hqx 110 6/23/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A hexdump viewer and editor that works similarly to the hex editor in ResEdit. It allows you to edit either the data fork or the resource fork of a file. Supports drag & drop and editing files up to, and maybe past, 200 MB. /mac/util/developer/hfdredit.cpt.hqx 24 12/10/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Resources for ResEdit 2.1+ to edit baloon help resources. /mac/util/developer/hypercard2.1aete.sit.hqx 3 11/20/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An aete resource for Hypercard 2.1, allowing you to send AppleScripts to HyperCard and to view HyperCard's syntax with the Script Editor dictionary browser. /mac/util/developer/iconder.sit.hqx 9 11/11/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Imbed small icons into folder icons, much like the System Folder. /mac/util/developer/iconfamilymaker2.3.cpt.hqx 122 4/11/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Create ICN#, ics#, icl8, ics8, icl4, ics4, cicn, and PICT resources from a cicn or icl8, or PICT resource. /mac/util/developer/infoman1.01.cpt.hqx 65 2/18/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Translate into English the cryptic numbers and bits/bytes detailing hardware and software information generated by the Gestalt Manager. /mac/util/developer/initgestaltinspector1.0.sit.hqx 88 9/26/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A free drag & drop utility that displays the INITGestalt table returned by INITGestalt-aware extensions, control panels and applications. /mac/util/developer/internettoolkit1.0b3.sit.hqx 89 10/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A 4D external package which gives developers access to low-level TCP/IP and UDP using MacTCP, DNS (name to IP and IP to name), control of the state of MacPPP, Internet Config preferences, other utility features, more; requires ITK license. /mac/util/developer/janus0.1.sit.hqx 119 10/2/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A fat binary which lets you find the PowerPC native code corresponding to 680x0 code. /mac/util/developer/kamprathscdefpack1.3.sit.hqx 102 7/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Sources and samples for ICN# Pushbutton, Date & Time, and Number Picker CDEFs. /mac/util/developer/keywords.sit.hqx 33 8/20/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Keywords is a simple program to convert the colored keyword list from a MetroWerks CW5 project to a text file and to turn a text file into a MW CW5 keyword list. /mac/util/developer/looneyhelp.cpt.hqx 12 7/3/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A MacHack MPW tool that animates the balloon icon when you have no balloons on the screen. Includes MPW C source. /mac/util/developer/macerrors1.21.sit.hqx 53 4/7/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Shows code and description for all of the Mac system errors; v1.21 fixes small out of memory error when used with System7.51 on a PowerMac. /mac/util/developer/macfortrantoc1.3.sit.hqx 1907 12/21/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Convert Fortran code to C. A port of the AT&T program. As the author says, "the C code may be ugly, but it works." Includes THINK C source and Codewarrior projects. Fat binary. /mac/util/developer/macgrep02.sit.hqx 30 6/18/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Grep (that fascinating Unix pseudo-language/editing utility) implemented under a very un-Mac like console. Includes source. /mac/util/developer/macshell0.54b.sit.hqx 216 3/5/96 Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.50 Is a shell very like tcsh, which performs some very Unix-like activities on your Mac (like I/O redirecting, scripting, etc) Also allows you to execute external programs (requires a compiler) /mac/util/developer/memorymapper1.11.sit.hqx 28 10/9/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Graphically show the location of various system structures in RAM and where they are in relation to each other. /mac/util/developer/menufixer1.0.cpt.hqx 41 11/15/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Examine each MENU resource in a file and reconcile the resource ID against the internal menu ID. /mac/util/developer/minsysteminstaller1.01.sit.hqx 81 2/20/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An installer script for creating a minimal System 7 floppy startup disk. Will remove 300-400K from the System file. Version 1.01 works with Installer 3.4 and compresses several additional extensions. /mac/util/developer/monitor1.53.sit.hqx 34 5/8/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 See the level of activity taking place on your computer. Graphically presents several types of information ranging from CPU utilization to disk space availability. Requires System 7. /mac/util/developer/moreorless1.0b26.hqx 41 6/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Drag and drop any file to look and see the data fork of the file; displays info in windows which can be paged through in the fashion of the 'more' command in Unix; nifty! /mac/util/developer/mpwbyacc1.9.sit.hqx 149 7/14/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A MPW tool version of BYacc 1.9, a LALR(1) parser generator for C and C++. Includes the source code as well. /mac/util/developer/mpwextras.cpt.hqx 226 10/15/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Around 30 different scripts and tools for use with MPW. Scripts such as CommentLine, GetInfo, and tools like FilePost and fAccess. /mac/util/developer/mpwflex2.52.sit.hqx 347 7/14/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A MPW Tool for Flex, a fast lexical analyzer generator. Includes C source code. /mac/util/developer/mpwmacsbugtool.cpt.hqx 16 9/16/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Execute MacsBug commands from your MPW shell: type in "DebugStr" and then the command and it'll spit back what MacsBug would normally do. Includes source. /mac/util/developer/mpwnewfind.sit.hqx 61 8/23/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 A NewFind and NewReplace tool for MPW. Has all the features of the old tools ('cept wraparound finds) and a few more. Source included. /mac/util/developer/mpwpaptool.cpt.hqx 28 12/6/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An MPW tool to download PostScript files to a printer and let you communicate to a postscript printer directly from the worksheet. Includes MPW C source. /mac/util/developer/mpwpatch2.1.sit.hqx 149 7/11/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A MPW Tool that will apply a "diff" file to an original. It'll read a file created by Unix or Mac versions of diff and apply the file differences to the original files. /mac/util/developer/mpwrunscript1.0.sit.hqx 24 1/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An AppleScript MPW tool. It compiles, it decompiles, it executes and it returns results. /mac/util/developer/nativechecker1.0.sit.hqx 17 5/8/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Determine whether a program contains 68K code, PowerPC code, or both. Requires System 7. /mac/util/developer/no68khere.sit.hqx 4 3/2/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 It looks like an application, but what it really is are resources that you can add to your PowerPC-only application that will display a nice "sorry, this only runs on a PowerPC" dialog box on 680X0-based machines. /mac/util/developer/nshell1.50.sit.hqx 402 9/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A shell programming environment that complements the Macintosh user interface, allowing you to deal directly with your system. /mac/util/developer/nshellcookie1.03.sit.hqx 13 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A version of the Un*x cookie command. Includes THINK C source. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell. /mac/util/developer/nshelldf1.01.sit.hqx 27 10/1/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Command to report free disk space on volumes. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell /mac/util/developer/nshellincdec1.04.sit.hqx 37 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Two commands to increment or decrement a variable. Includes THINK C source. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell. /mac/util/developer/nshellmatch1.04.sit.hqx 32 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Type matching lines to standard output. Includes THINK C source. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell. /mac/util/developer/nshellmegasource1.50.sit.hqx 313 1/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 CodeWarrior source for several nShell commands. Requires the programmers guide stored as /mac/util/developer/nshellprog. /mac/development/source/nshellcsample1.50.sit.hqx 32 3/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Sample code for the nShell(tm) programming environment. Includes both THINK C and CodeWarrior versions. Included are samples for "date", "hello", and "delay" commands. /mac/development/source/nshellpascalexample1.50.sit.hqx 39 3/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Sample code for the nShell(tm) programming environment. Includes THINK Pascal source for "date", "delay", and "hello" comands. /mac/misc/documentation/nshellprogguide1.50.sit.hqx 75 3/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 The programming guide for the nShell(tm) programming environment. nShell examples are available in /mac/development/source. /mac/util/developer/nshellpexamples.sit.hqx 37 10/1/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 THINK Pascal source for several nShell commands. Requires the programmers guide stored as /mac/development/source/nshellprog. /mac/util/developer/nshellprog1.02.sit.hqx 60 10/1/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 How to write command resources for the nShell. Includes source code examples and a hypertext Programmer's Guide to the nShell. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell. /mac/util/developer/nshellreadshift1.02.sit.hqx 36 10/1/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 One command to read input and store in variables, another to shift variables. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell /mac/util/developer/nshellsfcmds1.04.sit.hqx 43 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Two commands to pop standard get and put file dialogs. Includes THINK C source. For use with /mac/util/developer/nshell. /mac/util/developer/osaxsamples.sit.hqx 113 10/9/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Eight sample AppleScript Scripting Additions with C source code: Font Info, PassWord, PassWord2, PassWord3, PassWord4, Font Info2, ScriptIt OSAX, Font Info3. /mac/util/developer/pancakedevpackage1.0.sit.hqx 389 11/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Write externals for the Pancake BBS System. /mac/util/developer/pascal2c.sit.hqx 69 3/23/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Pascal to C translator. Will only produce correct output if your pascal program conforms to ISO level 0 pascal. If your input file does not conform to this standard. /mac/util/developer/peekaboo1.2.cpt.hqx 314 7/16/97 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A process watcher; get info about active apps via Process Manager, which can be analyzed and manipulated; create CPU history windows; logging windows show changing free memory as well. /mac/util/developer/playsound1.0.cpt.hqx 7 12/24/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A new OSAX command for AppleScript: play sound. Play a sound in resource format. Includes THINK C source. /mac/util/developer/popupfuncsdemo2.41.sit.hqx 50 11/5/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Parse the C, Pascal, Asm, and Rez languages, and object-oriented versions too. For use with THINK C, MPW, SADE, BBEdit. Demo disables itself after 15-20 uses. /mac/util/developer/powerpcdisas2.0.cpt.hqx 132 5/15/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Cross-disassembler targeted for PowerPC 601 (and higher) and running on 680x0 Macintosh computers. /mac/util/developer/pramguard.cpt.hqx 162 3/20/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Save the PRAM and extended PRAM and restore it on start-up. Includes THINK C source. /mac/util/developer/prettyc1.51.sit.hqx 178 7/29/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Print out C source files. Scan for files with various functions and also specify what kind of font & style you want them to be printed in. Includes an INIT that to print in Pretty C from THINK C. /mac/util/developer/profileeditor1.0b.sit.hqx 384 1/2/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An editing utility for generating and editing profiles (used by any machine that captures, displays or processes images... which is designed to guarantee consistency of colors over a range of devices). This version can be used on 680x0 machines without FPU's. /mac/util/developer/protoh1.3.sit.hqx 42 2/5/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Drag-n-drop app which will prototype C/C++ source files; processes files of the type 'TEXT' which end in .c or .cp; will process items within folders when folder is dropped on it; v1.3 is fixup release. /mac/util/developer/ptrtcl2.1.sit.hqx 191 3/20/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Everything (mostly) you need to port existing THINK C/C++ code that uses the THINK Class Library to other, pointer-based, C++ compilers using the new Universal Headers (such as the Metroworks environment and the Apple PPC SDK). /mac/util/developer/qbtofbconverter.sit.hqx 81 3/3/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Translate a QuickBASIC source code file saved in TEXT format into a source code TEXT file FutureBASIC can use. Includes source. /mac/util/developer/quickinfo.sit.hqx 12 10/12/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Drag-n-drop a file on this icon to quickly change the file's name, type, and creator info; neat tool! /mac/util/developer/readwriteresource1.0.cpt.hqx 5 1/15/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An extension of AppleScript to read and write resources into AppleScript data. /mac/util/developer/rebuildprojects1.1.sit.hqx 18 12/26/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Use a parameter file to govern the order and type of operations performed during the THINK C build process. Requires AppleScript Script Tools 1.3. /mac/util/developer/reprecompilescript7.0.sit.hqx 16 7/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A series of AppleScripts to recompile the precompiled headers in Symantec C++ 7.0 if you're upgrading from v6.0x. /mac/util/developer/resanomaly1.2.sit.hqx 122 9/29/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Highly customizable programmerUs utility, which, when given a resource file, generates a C source code listing of all named resources in the file; v1.2 is faster, has spinning cursor class, more; includes source. /mac/util/developer/rescompare2.53.sit.hqx 124 10/20/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 List all resources within a file or compare differences between files. Useful for tracking versions and updates. Can also create patch files for updating. /mac/util/developer/resedit7.0templates.sit.hqx 4 6/6/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 An assortment of (mostly incomplete) ResEdit TMPLs: fmap, fmnu, card, mst#, mstr, rtt#, fdmn, flst, fAni, RECT, and fval. Also includes pickers for kcs#, kcs4, and kcs8 /mac/util/developer/reseditacurpkr.sit.hqx 6 3/21/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Add to ResEdit the resources for a handy Animated Cursor "Picker." /mac/util/developer/reseditextens2.11.cpt.hqx 117 8/10/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A CODE editor (which shows a disassembly of the file's code) and a KCS editor for ResEdit. /mac/util/developer/resetadb1.0.sit.hqx 5 9/5/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Reset your ABD ports. Useful if your mouse or keyboard (but not both, obviously) get stuck. /mac/util/developer/romdump2.02.sit.hqx 20 1/30/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Create an image of your ROM as a straight binary file using the Gestalt Manager (or SysEnvirons if Gestalt is unavailable) to determine ROM size and location in memory. /mac/util/developer/rommie1.0.cpt.hqx 26 2/12/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Examines the ROM in your Macintosh, then creates three files: a text file listing all resources (type, id, name, size), a ResEdit file with copies of all ROM resources, and a dump of the entire ROM /mac/util/developer/runtime1.21.cpt.hqx 20 5/14/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Find the total power on time of your Mac; that is, the total number of hours and minutes that your Mac has been turned on EVER. May not work with older Macs. /mac/util/developer/say.cpt.hqx 12 8/14/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An MPW tool that reads standard input and converts it to spoken text using the Speech Manager. /mac/util/developer/scriptserver1.0a4.sit.hqx 27 11/2/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An AppleScript OSA build program which compiles, decompiles, executes and returns results. It is best used with other editors (such as MPW) which can handle more than 32K. /mac/util/developer/smallerinstaller1.1.sea.hqx 230 12/10/94 BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive Designed for developers who distribute software, clip art, stacks, databases/etc. on floppy disk. This installer provides a way to distribute data in a compressed format to reduce the number of disks required. Uses the same compression scheme as Compact Pro. /mac/util/developer/smallscreen1.2.sit.hqx 14 2/12/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Show the boundaries of one or more smaller screens on a sufficiently large screen. Useful for testing whether something would fit on a small screen. Does not SIMULATE a small screen, but only demarks its boundaries. /mac/util/developer/speedometer4.0.cpt.hqx 354 5/15/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Displays the speed of your Mac with different functions (such as graphics, disk, etc.) on a speedometer. Make comparisons to a saved list of machines. Now Fat Binary for PowerMac native-mode evaluations /mac/util/developer/speedometerppcrecords.sit.hqx 9 11/12/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A record file for Speedometer with information on many different PowerMac configurations, including emulation and native mode. /mac/util/developer/speedometervarious2.2.sit.hqx 27 12/18/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A record file for Speedometer 3.1 that has information on a large variety of Macs. Contains 73 Speedometer records, including new machines, non-standard configurations, and even PowerPC prerelease machines! /mac/util/developer/srecord1.0b.sit.hqx 16 2/11/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Saves code resource into s-records suitable for downloading, saving the records in a text file. /mac/util/developer/stopwatch1.2.cpt.hqx 23 8/16/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Track how long it takes another application's tasks to get done. /mac/util/developer/stripperutils.cpt.hqx 14 7/21/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Three utilities which remove the datafork, resource fork, or names from resources within files. /mac/util/developer/stringchecker1.0.sit.hqx 363 9/9/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Checks STR, STR#, DITL, MENU, TEXT and CNTL resources for spelling errors. It also checks for DebugStr, Debugger traps and MacsBugs labels in the CODE resources. /mac/util/developer/sys7reseditors1.1.sit.hqx 9 2/12/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 ResEdit templates for: flst (Font Family List), cbnd, fbnd, tbnd (Comm Toolbox Resource Bundles), caps, faps, taps (Connection, File Transfer, and Terminal Tool Capabilities List), hmnu, hdlg, hfdr (Help Balloon Resource for Menus, Dialogs, and Finder Icons), hrct (Help Balloon Rectangle List), hovr (Help Balloon Override List), aedt (Apple Events Template), dflg (ddev Flags), eppc (EPP Configuration), gmcd ("Guard Mechanism for Compression/ Decompression"), mppc (MPP Configuration), mitq (Default Queue Sizes for MakeITable), pslt (Nubus Psuedo-slot mapping resource). /mac/util/developer/syserrs7.01.cpt.hqx 55 11/20/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An updated version of the System Errors DA, only now's its an application. Great for the Apple Menu Items in System 7.0. This includes all of the System 7 errors codes as well. /mac/system.extensions/da/syserrtable3.1.cpt.hqx 36 6/20/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Displays all the standard Apple system errors and their definitions. /mac/util/developer/systemswitcher1.1.sit.hqx 46 12/6/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Have multiple System Folders and specify which to use. /mac/util/developer/tattletech2.20.sit.hqx 549 7/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Find out more about your mac than you ever needed to know. Gives details on hardware, software, extensions, traps, and a lot more. /mac/util/developer/testpatgenerator1.08.cpt.hqx 77 2/2/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Perform screen tests (circles, contrasts, widths, etc.), printer and sound tests. Has an interesting help section on how to open Mac Pluses and Mac XL's. /mac/util/developer/thinkcfromscratch.sit.hqx 165 3/16/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A Bookbinder-based HyperCard (2.0 or later) tutorial on object- oriented programming (uses a subset of C++); examples compatible with Symantec ThinkC 5 (or later) and any C++ compiler; also serves as on-line C reference. /mac/util/developer/thinkscripts1.21.sit.hqx 40 2/16/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 AppleScript droplets for Think C/C++ 6. (THINK Bring Up to Date, THINK Bring Up to Date & Shut, THINK Compact Projects, THINK Remove Objects, THINK Set Options /mac/util/developer/tpmaspatch1.0.sit.hqx 5 6/19/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Helps avoid a conflict between Think Project Manager 7.0 and AppleScript 1.1. /mac/util/developer/translate1.0.sit.hqx 8 5/9/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 A dcmd (Macsbug command) which displays info relative to the way the PMMU will translate virtual addresses into physical addresses. /mac/util/developer/trapscheck1.0.sit.hqx 29 3/28/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Inspects all documented toolbox and operating system traps and tell whether they are implemented as native PowerPC code or as 680x0 code. Great when used in conjunction with TattleTale to see which INITs are patching the traps! /mac/system.extensions/init/tzu4.0.sit.hqx 186 7/4/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Give CodeWarrior a new menu containing tools with easy-to- write resources; v4.0 has nices Finder, fixes, works through multi-environment problems. /mac/util/developer/updatemaker1.34.cpt.hqx 165 5/8/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Create standalone apps to update other applications and related documents for you. /mac/util/developer/xtradbfordirector.cpt.hqx 35 6/21/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An external database for developers on MacroMind Director applications HyperCard, and other third party developing tools; fast, easy to use. /mac/util/developer/zoneranger1.2.cpt.hqx 254 10/7/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Display detailed info about each active heap zone including counts and total sizes of free blocks, pointers, handles (including locked, resource, and purgeable); graphical interface; saves to text and/or PICT file; requires System 7.x. Fat Binary.