Archives of Robert Axelrod
  1. Prisoner's Dilemma strategies used in the Second Round of the PD Tournament are available.

  2. Agent-based models code and data from Complexity of Cooperation.

  3. Robert Axelrod, "The Evolution of Strategies in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma," 1987. With supporting material.

  4. Robert Axelrod, "A Model of the Emergence of New Political Actors," 1995.
    With supporting material.

  5. Jianzhong Wu and Robert Axelrod, "How to Cope with Noise in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma," 1995. With supporting material.

  6. Robert Axtell, Robert Axelrod, Joshua Epstein, and Michael D. Cohen, "Aligning Simulation Models: A Case Study and Results," 1996. With supporting material.

  7. Robert Axelrod, "The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence and Global Polarization," 1997. With supporting material. Other applications of the culture model. Java applet by Konstantin Klemm et al. to run the culture model.

  8. Robert Axelrod, " Resources for Agent-Based Modeling," 1997. With supporting material.

  9. Robert Axelrod, Ross A. Hammond, and Alan Grafen, "Altruism Via Kin-Selection Strategies That Rely on Arbitrary Tags With Which They Co-evolve," Evolution. 2004.
    Archive of code and data.

  10. Ross A. Hammond and Robert Axelrod, "The Evolution of Ethnocentrism, " 2006.
    Animation of the simulation.
    Archive of code and data.

Last Updated  August 5, 2016