About Us


Christine Norton

Name: Christine Norton
Year: Freshman
Major: Biochem or CMB
Favs: Basketball, Running, and going on Chem dates with Marilyn.




Marilyn Jen

Name: Marilyn Jen
Year: Freshman
Major: Pharmacy
Favs: Chem textbook, Chem dates with Christine, Good News A Cappella, Tennis, Running

Ginny Liu

Name: Ginny Liu
Year: Freshman
Major: CMDB
Favs: Traveling, Movies, Chem exam all-nighters, Reading






Winston Goan

Name: Winston Goan
Year: Freshman
Major: BME/Pre-Med
Favs: Sewing, Shopping, Beat Boxing, Knitting, Karaoke, making Flash Mechanisms for the Staudinger Reaction.


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Leading Questions