Candyland!Winter '11 SSG

About Us!

Who are we? Well, we're University of Michigan students currently taking Chemistry 215H/216H. Part of the course requires weekly participation in a Structured Study Group (SSG for short), and this website is the main project for the SSG. Scroll down to learn more about us!

Anna Myers


Anna is currently a freshman at the university. In her spare time - wait, she never has spare time because she's a member of the Michigan Marching Band and the Michigan Winter Ensemble, spinning flags in both. Anna is also involved with the UMich branch of Camp Kesem. She made all the pretty graphics and the web design layout, so if you like it be sure to let her know!

Diane Wang


Diane is a current freshman at the University of Michigan.  She is majoring in Neuroscience and Economics and hopes to attend medical school in the future to become a neurosurgeon.  She loves to travel, watch movies, eat and have fun.  One day, she will live in New York City!

Joe Pauly


Joe is majoring in Neuroscience and is possibly minoring in Philosophy at the University of Michigan.  He is a spirited Wolverine who loves his fraternity, Chi Phi, boating, hanging out with his Orgo II friends and having fun in the nice weather.  Joe loves dissecting things and he wants to become an ER surgeon or a pediatrician in the future.  Joe is from Florida and hates the chilly weather in Michigan.