About us




Name: Michael Kuan Hua Wu

Race: Unkown

Hometown: ???

Age: Unknown

Class: Neuroscientist/psychologist/computer scientist


That is all.





Name : LJ Bae
Race : Humadead (hybrid between human and undead)

Hometown : Unknown

Age : Unknown
Class : Chemical Engineer

Depressed by that he can never truly be human via any sort of magic, he changed his interest from magic to chemistry, which is yet to be studied widely in public. Has a firm belief that the the medicianl effect of (+)-Salvileucalin that Grand Master Koreeda studies would help him out somehow.







Name : Zera Arika Zulkifli
Race : Blood Elf
Hometown : Malaysia

Age : Unknown

Class : Chemical Engineer


Once the highest noble familes among the proud blood elves, she became a magician as well as many of her people chose to be. After knowing the limitless potential of chemical processing, she is now one of ardent students of Grand Master Koreeda.




