Katarina Alajbegovic

I am an evolutionary anthropology major and medical anthropology minor, with pre-med ambitions (unfortunately). I am a certified EMT-Basic in the state of Michigan, so you know… saving lives and whatever. I was a classical ballet dancer for 12 years, as well as a tennis player for 8 years. Jackie Brown is my favorite movie, Parks and Rec is my favorite tv show, and crying softly about my grades is my favorite past time. This summer I will be working at a life science lab, volunteering, and will be the only undergrad amongst doctoral students, post-docs, and professors at Columbia University’s Indigenous Summer Program (yeah, it’s nbd). Finally, after I graduate I hope to take 1 or 2 years off before applying to medical school, to travel and work with indigenous peoples to address their health and social justice issues. I also had 6 guinea pigs once. Mouseover my picture to see how I felt walking out of SSG for the last time!

Jungsoo Chang

I am majoring in biomedical engineering as a pre-med. Yay. One day, when I grow up, I want to be a pediatrician. When I was in sixth grade, I realized how cool my pediatrician was and wanted to be just like her. And I secretly don’t want to grow up so I just want to work with kids. On my desk, I have a lot of unread books that I plan to devour once school is over. I would also love school so much more if the weather was over 40 degrees more often during the winter semester. The other day, I realized that breakfast is the most awesome meal of the day. Mouseover my picture to see my feelings about fooooodddd!



Zeinab Baydoun

I was planning on establishing a chemistry major, but I decided to change and become a biochemistry major; I am really interested in genetics and the biology of humans on a molecular level. I used to be on the track team for three years, on the cross country team for one year, and the tennis team for one year. My favorite sport is soccer, but I enjoy rollerblading much more than running. I cannot say if I have a favorite movie or show, but I do enjoy mystery, drama, the paranormal and supernatural, as well as scientific shows such as Weird or What. I enjoy reading, being with my family, and hanging out with friends, but it is hard to enjoy them when you’re away from home studying. Anyway, ever since I was a child, I have wanted to become a Pediatrician, and I still do. I love children and I want to see them healthy. This is also why I have applied for an internship this summer through the University of Michigan Medical School’s Office of Health, Equity, and Inclusion. Thankfully, I was recently accepted and will begin early June.