Christian Leadership Ministries
The faculty ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ
in the Southern Lower Michigan Area


One-2-One is at the heart of Christian Leadership Ministries. Arranged to fit your schedule, one-2-one times are uniquely designed to optimize an environment for your own spiritual growth and to develop your abilities and gifts to effectively minister to your colleagues and students. Besides developing close friendships, one-2-one times might include studying the Bible together to deepen convictions, discussing a Christian book, examining a specific issue for character or ministry development, holding one another accountable, or some other option.

Typically, one-2-one times are scheduled weekly, such as during an early morning time, over a lunch hour, or at the end of the work day. Because schedules are often hectic and difficult to reconcile with other faculty members for group events, one-2-one times provide a way to keep your personal spiritual development a priority in the midst of an intense schedule.

E-mail Chuck Roeper for more information and to investigate meeting one-2-one. We believe this is one of the most important things you can do! Seriously consider making one-2-one a priority.

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