After the last day of Band practice in the fall of 2008, I was biking home over the frozen practice area between Hill and Hoover when a passer by called to me to say that someone was trying to catch up. Sure enough, one of the members had run across the field, to give me a card that said "Thank you for being at all or practices, no matter how cold it is." It was quite touching, as listening to the Band's music, and watching the drills has been my great pleasure. The card was not signed. If you know who might have sent it, do point out this link. The card is posted on my offce door. If you are ever in the Dennison Bldg. (Physics-Astronomy), check it out: Room 1033. I had started a parody of a well-known song that describes those last chilly days of practice, and sang the first couple of lines. Here's the complete verse; you know the tune:

Deep in November, it's hard to remember,
How warm it was back in September.
Deep in November, there's many a member,
Who longs for an ember of sunlight mellow.
Deep in December, a still upon Elbel will follow.

-----CRC 9/9/09