Errata for An Introduction to COSMOCHEMISTRY by C. Cowley
LaTeX notation will be used below, e.g. subscripts are written with
an underscore (D-sub-e is D_e), and exponents with a caret (D-squared is D^2).
Similarly, Greek symbols will be written with a backslach, alpha is \alpha,
Please bring additional errata to my attention.
(updated 15 Jan 1998)
1.  Equation 4.80:  A term \ln(V/{\cal N}) needs to be added inside
the square brackets. In LaTeX the correct equation is:

S = k{\cal N} [(5/2) + \ln[(2\pi mkT/h^2)^{3/2} + \ln(V/{\cal N})].

2.  Table 11.1 - Selected Constants of Diatomic Molecules
The following powers of ten should be applied to D_e for
H_2 : -2
C_2 : -6
CN  : -6
CO  : -6
OH  : -4
TiO : -7

An updated version of this table, with newer constants is in preparation.

3.  Equation 4.22: Insert a minus sign before the script F or {\cal F}.
The right hand side of 4.22 is called the free energy function by
chemists.  But it is common to tabulate its negative, which we call
{\cal F}.  Equations 4.23 and 4.24 are consistent with the {\cal F}
of Table 4.1.  In figure 4.2 {\cal F} or  MINUS the free energy function 
is also the tabulated quantity.

4.  p. 422 The exponent on the 12.00 should be `a' and not `1', as on
    similar column heading on p. 423.

5.  p. 383, caption to Fig. 15.14.  The last sentence should read ``Note
that [O III] \lambda 4363 is stronger than H \gamma.i''

6.  p. 62 
    Problem 1.  First calculate \int(\delta q/T) = \int PdV/T, for...
    Problem 3.  Eq 4.79.  coefficient of the exponential on right hand
       side should be ({m \over {2\pi kT}})^{3/2}.
    Problem 4.  ...when an ideal gas is heated from T to 2T
    at constant volume is (3/2)nRln(2).

7.  p. 63 Problem 6.  Show that the entropy changes calculated in 
    Problems 1 and 4...

8.  p. 438 Reference to Cameron 1957.  Volume is PASP 69 not 169.

9.  p. 205 Caption to Figure 10.6.  The sentence that appears near
    the bottom of the page ``SAD abundances are shown as diamonds''
    should be deleted.
10. p. 97 line 13.  insert "not" prior to the word "opaque."
    " long as the gas cloud is not opaque to the infrared..."

11. p. 133 line 7.  E = h\nu_0(n+1/2).  The left paren was misplaced.

12. p. 163, 4 from bottom.  For "7 units of angular momentum" read
       " $l = 7$.

13. p. 232. 13 from bottom $^1D$, not $^2D$.

14. p. 250 line 13.  $\hbar^2 J(J+1)$.  The 2 should be an exponent of
    the $\hbar$.

15. p. 407 Equation 16.51: Insert a factor 'A' in the numerator on the

16. p. 422 and 431.  Niobium not Neobium!

17. p399, Equation 16.22, the alpha in the denominator on right needs a 
    minus sign.
18. p. 52. Just before 4.38, for calcite, read magnesite.

19. p. 277.  Equation 12.23  needs a square root sign on the right
    following the 1/c.

20. p. 272.  The line above Eq. 12.11 should read:  If we insert
    Equation 12.9 into 12.10, we obtain, after some...

21. p271. Following Eq. 12.6, the sentence should read: Let us define
    the ratio of the emission to the absorption coefficient as a new
    quantity, S_\nu....