
Simple Blogging Tools

Blogging Services

These services allow you to jump in and start blogging without having your own web site:

Blogging Software

Pre-assembled backages for those who already own a web site and want to incorporate a blog.

Blogging Toys

Blog search engine—it's tag-based classification system helps blog readers find out what's being talked about.
Tool for reading multiple blogs all in one place
A tool for managing lists of links, either personally or embeded on your blog.

The Blogosphere became a buzzword in 2005 as the mainstream media, businesses and individuals alike turned to blogs as methods of self-expression.

Using blogging software differs from creating a blog

Blogging software is simply a set of web tools that allow users update their home pages without the need for HTML editors or, often, knowledge of how to create a web page. Blogging software can be used for news announcements or even full-site content management systems. As such, one must understand the difference between using blogging software, and the creative act of blogging.

Blogging is about connections

Bloggers help organize the Internet by linking to those things they find important, relelvant or interesting. Search engines find these connections, and often rank blog-linked web pages higher than those ignored by the community of bloggers. In writing a blog, an author can express him or herself not just through the strong and relevant prose, but also through the unique collection insights brought together in a single blog entry.

Communities enhance weblogs

The technologies behind blogs create greater opportunities for dialogue and discourse as well. Most blogs accept coments, and a few allow other bloggers to alert them if their blogs link to one another. In addition, most blogs are very quick reads, and bloggers use their community for inspiration and research. Although blogging information may not be as accurate or verifiable as other information sources, but the interconnected and fast-paced nature of the blogging world means that it will be more quickly available.

Podcasts and Vodcasts

These technologies tack blogging to the next level, by using audio and video respectively instead of simple text. Although still for the advanced creator, these increasingly powerful media incorporate the dynamism of blogs with the portabiility offered by iPods and other portable audio players.