Operation not allowed on nonleaf

Eyal Schwartz (eyals@microsoft.com)
Mon, 1 Jul 1996 14:47:58 -0700


I am running ldap32.dll based app on WindowsNT against Slapd 3.3 server
on Linux Slackware
(April edition) .

Has anyone seen the following problem? Is this a known bug?

1. Create new entry (say "ou=Win95...")
2. Create a child entry (say, "cn=Shell,ou=Win95....")
3. Delete the child
4. Attempt to delete the parent ("ou=Win95...") fails with error
"Operation not allowed on nonleaf."

At this point, the parent has no children, but is considered nonleaf for
some reason.
I will appreciate any advise on this.




Here's a sample scenario demonstrating the problem

ldap_search_s(7a0680, "o=microsoft,c=us", 2, "cn=Win*", 0)
Parsing results:
Dn: ou=Win95,o=microsoft,c=us
cn: Win95;
description: Root node;
objectclass: organizationalUnit;
***Calling Add...
Added "cn=Shell,ou=Win95,o=microsoft,c=us".
ldap_search_s(7a0680, "ou=win95,o=microsoft,c=us", 2, "objectclass=*",
Parsing results:
Dn: ou=Win95,o=microsoft,c=us
cn: Win95;
description: Root node;
objectclass: organizationalUnit;
Dn: cn=Shell,ou=Win95,o=microsoft,c=us
cn: Shell;
description: Child Node;
objectclass: componentOS;
***Calling Delete...
Deleted "cn=Shell,ou=Win95,o=microsoft,c=us"
ldap_search_s(7a0680, "ou=win95,o=microsoft,c=us", 2, "objectclass=*",
Parsing results:
Dn: ou=Win95,o=microsoft,c=us
cn: Win95;
description: Root node;
objectclass: organizationalUnit;
***Calling Delete...on "ou=win95,o=microsoft,c=us""
Error: Delete: Operation not allowed on nonleaf. <66>