Because your local parish is supposed to provide you with assistance, you decide to stay.

However, you are hungry now and beg for food on the city streets. Due to the rising unemployment and instances of vagrancy and begging in your town, the local magistrate has ordered all those who are "willfully idle," those who are physically able to work and deemed the "criminally inclined poor," to be rounded up and placed in a make-shift holding facility (3).

Vagrancy and begging were made illegal in an attempt to deter other crimes that usually spawned from these downtrodden states. However, these crimes were rarely punished in the way most crimes were "punished" at the time (3). As you are thrown into a pen with forty other beggars, however, you begin to feel as though you have made the wrong decision by staying in town. You sit in a corner of the dark, musty room and await your fate.