Elizabeth Runnington, your servant and former friend discloses the following information to the police on March 1, 1772. The following is a transcript of her testimony:

“On the morning of February 27, I walked into my master’s chambers to clean his room. I have been working in his house for three years now. I noticed that his bed was more disordered than usual but didn’t think much of it. I tried to remember if there had been anything strange about him that morning, of if I heard any noises from his room the night before, but I did not. I lifted the bed covering off the floor, where it had fallen. I then saw an object sticking out from underneath the bed. It was his prized 15th century dagger. I fear, that my lord is plotting to murder the king!” It is then, later that evening, while you sit by the fire to read, that the police barge your door and servants to seize you.

You await trial at Newgate Prison, with the rest of the murders, thieves and madmen. Whence, you were brought to the court, your jury stares at you, while you try not to look them in the eye. As the judge finds your case, he informs you that, “the punishment for high treason is severe, and you will not be let off easily.” As he looks at you to nod, your eyes dart in every direction, as if anyone and everyone in that room, which also seems to be getting smaller, know of your nightmare.(24)