The Official Website of the Secret Society of British Gentlewomen


Welcome Sisters, to the official website of the Secret Society of British Gentlewomen! This site was designed especially for you, the contemporary woman of the Eighteenth Century, by a group of society's most respected and influential women. Due to a lack of organization and representation of women in our society, our founding sisters decided it was high time to create a place for ourselves.Unlike the coffeehouses and clubs our male counterparts frequent, this site encompasses much more - itwill become your greatest resource.


Do you feel like your husband knows more than you do? Learn your legal rights, an honest view of your place in society, and ways to expand your horizons.

Has the oppressive patriarchy got you down? We'll introduce you to some of your contemporaries who are changing the face of writing and women' s lives.

Have you ever felt lonely and left out? Learn how female friendship is finally possible! Yes, that's right ladies, friends aren't just for men anymore.



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