We, two learned chirurgeons gathered here today on this screen to talk on this subject of inoculation. Here is a brief summary so you may get the straight facts and get on with your day.

Dr. Samuels: I do believe that the practice of inoculation is quite suspicious, and goes against the natural order of God and mankind. I don't see how putting the pox into the body would possibly be beneficial. I see it as dangerous and horrid. I mean, what if you don't end up getting the disease? What is the point of putting this horrid scourge into your body if you don't end up getting it in the end? To me it is just obscene. We can't possibly listen to this dramatic woman and those violent Turks. We must stay sane and just make people well with our medicine. (16)

Dr. Evans: Well, I disagree with the distinguished Samuels. I believe that we must always keep an enlightened mind, always we must be able to take new risks to try to save mankind. I must say that I am not sure exactly what the inoculation is. Her accounts of the needle ripping the skin seem a bit overblown, as women usually are in such respects. No heads for medicine, the gentler sex. I believe we would have to investigate further this idea that a disease could be stopped by itself. I think we could have something big here. However, I do not appreciate the implication that we chirurgeons would rather make money than do the public good. I am open to experimentation in this field. I think we need to test it out for ourselves before we endorse or discredit the Lady's discovery.


Dr. Samuels: Pish, posh...