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An essay lent to us from our friends at The Guardian, taken from an anonymous letter, now known to be by Pope, written for the August 12, 1713 issue...



Dear Sir,

You formerly obferved to me, that nothing made a more ridiculous Figure in a Man's Life, than the Difparity we often find in him fick and well. Thus one of an unfortunate Conftitution is perpetually exhibiting a miferable Example of the Weaknefs of his Mind, or of his Body, in their Turns. I have had frequent Opportunities of late to confider myfelf in thefe different Views, and hope I have received fome Advantage by it. If what Mr.Waller fays be true, that

The Soul's dark Cottage, batter'd and decay'd,

Lets in new Light thro' Chinks that time has made:

Then furely Sicknefs, contributing no lefs than old Age to the fhaking down this fcaffolding of the Body, may difcover the inclofed Structure more Plainly. Sicknefs is a fort of early old Age; it teaches us a Diffidence in our earthly State, and infpires us with the Thoughts of a future, better than a thoufand Volumes of Philofophers and Divines. It gives fo warning a Concuffion to thofe Props of our Vanity, our Strength and Youth, that we think of fortifying ourfelves within, when there is fo little Dependance on our Out-works. Youth, at the very beft, is but a Betrayer of human Life in a gentler and fmoother Manner than Age: 'Tis like a Stream that nourifhes a Plant upon its Bank, and caufes it to flourifh and bloffom to the Sight, but at the fame time is undermining it at the Root in fecret. My Youth has dealt more fairly and openly with me; it has afforded feveral Profpects of my Danger, and given me an Advantge not very common to young men, that the Attractions of the World have not dazzled me very much; and I began where moft People end, with a full Conviction of the Emptinefs of all forts of Ambition, and the unfatisfactory Nature of all human Pleafures.

When a fmart Fit of Sicknefs tells me this fourvy Tenement of my Body will fall in a little Time, I am e'en as unconcern'd as was that honeft Hibernian, who (being in Bed in the great Storm fome Years ago, and told the Houfe would tumble over his Head) made Anfwer, What care I for the Houfe? I am only a Lodger. I fancy 'tis the beft time to die when one is in the beft Humour, and fo exceffively weak as I now am, I may fay with Confcience, that I am not at all uneafie at the Thought that many Men, whom I never had any Efteem for, are likely to enjoy this World after me. When I reflect what an inconfiderable little Atome every fingle Man is, with refpect to the whole Creation , methinks 'tis a Shame to be concerned at the Removal of fuch a trivial Animal as I am. The Morning after my Exit, the Sun will arife as bright as ever, the Flowers fmell as fweet, the Plants fpring as green, the World will proceed in its old Courfe, People will laugh as heartily, and marry as faft, as they were ufed to do...

I am, Yours, To


I hope you enjoyed this excerpt from the letter. To see it in its entirety, please see the August 12, 1713 issue of The Guardian. (26)




the physician, the patient, and death



Pope as a child