I logged into login.engin.umich.edu, and uploaded my source code to a new directory Private/p0. This directory contained the the exact set of .h and .cpp files that I wanted to submit. -bash-4.2$ cd p0 -bash-4.2$ ls Meeting.cpp Meeting.h Person.cpp Person.h Room.cpp Room.h Utility.cpp Utility.h p0_main.cpp I did a build to check that all files needed were present: -bash-4.2$ g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic-errors *.cpp I also uploaded the samples and my other test files to that same directory and used I/O redirection and diff or sdiff to check that on the engin platform my program appeared to be working correctly. One such check: -bash-4.2$ ./a.out test_out.txt -bash-4.2$ sdiff normal_out.txt test_out.txt *** Important *** If you changed *anything at all* in your code, you should assume it is broken! Perform the above test build and at least some I/O redirection checks before submitting your modified code! Then after checking again to be sure that I had no extraneous .h or .cpp files present, I submitted all of the .h and .cpp files with wild cards, thus making sure that I got everything included. If you leave a file out, the build will fail, and you waste the submission! Notice exactly what the response of the submission script is. -------------------- -bash-4.2$ ls *.h Meeting.h Person.h Room.h Utility.h -bash-4.2$ ls *.cpp Meeting.cpp Room.cpp Person.cpp Utility.cpp p0_main.cpp -bash-4.2$ submit381 0 *.h *.cpp You are about to submit the following files: Meeting.h Person.h Room.h Utility.h Meeting.cpp Person.cpp Room.cpp Utility.cpp p0_main.cpp Submit these files? Type y or RETURN to submit, anything else to abort: y Connecting directly to eecs381@grader8.eecs.umich.edu Mailed: Meeting.h Person.h Room.h Utility.h Meeting.cpp Person.cpp Room.cpp Utility.cpp p0_main.cpp You should receive an email acknowledgement from eecs381@grader8.eecs.umich.edu for this submission. Look over the acknowledgement to make sure you submitted the correct source code file(s) (e.g. that it's not the object or executable file, etc.). -bash-4.2$ ------------------ If you don't see this output, something is wrong (for example, maybe the software on the machine isn't complete). Try a different machine or email us for help. If everything is OK, you should get an email sent to your uniqname@umich.edu with the autograder response. When the load is heavy, this can take several minutes. Review the other web pages about the autograder and how to deal with it. *** It is most important not to submit again until you have received a response. *** If the response seems to be badly delayed, send to eecs381help.