// Text strings used in Project 4. // Output is produced only in a .cpp file - no header files may contain output statements. // A gap between two output operators marks where a variable or function would appear. // A '+' marks where another string would appear in concatenation. // Constructor and destructor message output is always the last thing done in the function (after all initialization and cleanup). // Model output cout << "Model constructed" << endl; cout << "Model destructed" << endl; // strings used in Error objects thrown by Model "Structure not found!" "Agent not found!" // Controller output cout << "Controller constructed" << endl; cout << "\nTime " << << ": Enter command: "; cout << "Done" << endl; cout << "Controller destructed" << endl; // strings used in Error objects thrown by Controller "Unrecognized command!" "Invalid name for new object!" "Agent is not alive!" "Expected an integer!" "Expected a double!" "View is already open!" "View is not open!" // The factory functions produce no output. // strings used in Error objects thrown by Agent_factory: "Trying to create agent of unknown type!" // strings used in Error objects thrown by Structure_factory: "Trying to create structure of unknown type!" // Sim_object output cout << "Sim_object " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Sim_object " << << " destructed" << endl; // Structure output cout << "Structure " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Structure " << << " destructed" << endl; // Structure::describe output cout << << " at " << << endl; // Farm output cout << "Farm " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Farm " << << " destructed" << endl; // Farm::update output cout << "Farm " << << " now has " << << endl; // Farm::describe output cout << "Farm "; cout << " Food available: " << << endl; // Town_Hall output cout << "Town_Hall " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Town_Hall " << << " destructed" << endl; // Town_Hall::describe output cout << "Town_Hall "; cout << " Contains " << << endl; // Agent output cout << "Agent " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Agent " << << " destructed" << endl; // Agent::update output cout << << ": I'm there!"<< endl; cout << << ": step..." << endl; // Agent::move_to output cout << << ": I'm on the way" << endl; cout << << ": I'm already there" << endl; // Agent::stop output cout << << ": I'm stopped" << endl; // Agent::lose_health output cout << << ": Arrggh!" << endl; cout << << ": Ouch!" << endl; // Agent::describe output cout << << " at " << << endl; cout << " Health is " << << endl; cout << " Moving at speed " << << " to " << << endl; cout << " Stopped" << endl; cout << " Is dying" << endl; cout << " Is dead" << endl; cout << " Is disappearing" << endl; // not expected to be visible in this project // strings used in Error objects thrown by Agent + ": Sorry, I can't work!" + ": Sorry, I can't attack!" // Peasant output cout << "Peasant " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Peasant " << << " destructed" << endl; // Peasant::update output cout << << ": Collected " << << endl; cout << << ": Waiting " << endl; cout << << ": Deposited " << << endl; // Peasant::stop and move_to output cout << << ": I'm stopping work" << endl; // Peasant::describe output cout << "Peasant "; cout << " Carrying " << << endl; cout << " Outbound to destination " << << endl; cout << " Inbound to source " << << endl; cout << " Collecting at source " << << endl; cout << " Depositing at destination " << << endl; // strings used in Error objects thrown by Peasant::start_working + ": I can't move food to and from the same place!" // Soldier output cout << "Soldier " << << " constructed" << endl; cout << "Soldier " << << " destructed" << endl; // Soldier::start_attacking and take_hit output cout << << ": I'm attacking!" << endl; // Soldier::update output cout << << ": Target is dead" << endl; cout << << ": Target is now out of range" << endl; cout << << ": Clang!" << endl; cout << << ": I triumph!" << endl; // Soldier::stop output cout << << ": Don't bother me" << endl; // Soldier::describe output cout << "Soldier "; cout << " Attacking " << << endl; cout << " Not attacking" << endl; // strings used in Error objects thrown by Soldier::start_attacking + ": I cannot attack myself!" + ": Target is out of range!" + ": Target is not alive!" // View output cout << "View constructed" << endl; cout << "Display size: " << << ", scale: " << << ", origin: " << << endl; // use for the list of object names that are outside the map: cout << ", "; // output before all names except the first cout << " outside the map" << endl; // use for labels on y axis cout << setw(4) << << " "; cout << " "; // use for labels on x axis cout << " " << setw(4) << ; cout << "View destructed" << endl; // strings used in Error objects thrown by View "New map size is too big!" "New map size is too small!" "New map scale must be positive!"