Collision Theory

Derivation for model 2


The impact parameter, b, is the off-set distance of the centers as they approach one another. The velocity component along the lines of centers, ULC, can be obtained by resolving the approach velocity into components.

            At the point of collision the center of B is within the distance AB


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The energy along the line of centers can be developed by a simple geometry arguments


The component of velocity along the line of centers

                                                         ULC = UR cos                                                        (2)

The kinetic energy along the line of centers is



The minimum energy along the line of centers necessary for a reaction to take place, EA, corresponds to a critical value of the impact parameter, bcrit. In fact, this is a way of defining the impact parameter and corresponding reaction cross section


Substituting for EA and bcrit in Equation (4).


Solving for


The reaction cross section for energies of approach E > EA, is


The complete reaction cross section for all energies E is


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