ChE 344
Problem Set 15
Due Thursday, March 13, 2008 (Lecture 18)
Individual Assignment

PLQ 17 - What is Δ Q equal to in a PFR? How does one arrive at Eqn (8-35) on page 496? Hint: See Equation 8-33, ri = νi(-rA). What is the difference between Equation (8-40) on page 500 and Equation (8-41) on page 501?


  1. Sit down as a group and run the review section (ONLY) for "Heat Effects I" and "Heat Effects II". Write a few sentences on what you learned. Is the review sufficient to replace the derivation of Equation 8-28 in the class lecture? If not, what needs to be done to have the ICM replace this lecture?
  2. P8-2(b)