ChE 344 AL - Chemical Reaction Engineering

Summer 2001 - Open Ended Project



The Summer 2001 Reaction Engineering OEP focuses on web modules and their relevance in Asynchronous Learning.  The project specifically investigates web modules related to chemical reaction engineering. 

The OEP will be undertaken in groups of two.  You will first be given an opportunity to form groups independently, and then assistance will be provided to finish forming groups.  Each group is responsible for completing Memo 1 as given.  Beginning with Memo 2, you must choose one of two alternatives to pursue for the remainder of the OEP.  Note that you must submit your work in memo format.

Memo 1 - Due June 18, 2001 (Summer: July 5, 2001)

Before beginning the OEP, complete the problem solving section of the course website. 

Assignment: Choose a topic.  Brainstorm your topic using all of the techniques that were used in the exercise "Playground Equipment from Old Cars" in the problem solving section of the course website. 

Submit: Memo 1 including: 

  1. Your topic
  2. A list of ideas from Free Association
  3. A list of ideas from Vertical Thinking - Osborn's Checklist
  4. A list of ideas from Lateral Thinking
    1. Random Stimulation
    2. Other People's Views



Alternative 1 - Extend Two Existing Modules

Memo 2 - Due July 2, 2001 (Summer: July 16, 2001)

Assignment: Choose and rank four of the web modules that you feel need improvement.  

(As not everyone can work on the same module, the first groups to submit their list will get their first two choices.  You must submit your list so that the modules you will extend can be assigned.  Your modules must be assigned before continuing.) 

After reviewing the first of your assigned modules, use the techniques you learned while completing Memo 1 to suggest ways to improve and extend the first module. 

Note: Memos 2 and 3 will focus on the first of your two modules, only.  Your second module is the subject of Memo 4, which you will complete after receiving comments on Memos 2 and 3.   

Submit: Memo 2 including:

  1. A list of possible improvements/extensions for your module.
  2. Detailed plans to improve and extend your module.
  3. Resources you will use to enhance the module.
  4. Methods you will use to demonstrate your module is an effective learning tool.


Memo 3 - Due July 16, 2001 (Summer: July 30, 2001)

Assignment: Complete your first module extension.  Note that you must actually extend the assigned module so that it still functions as a web module with the extension.

Submit: Memo 3 - Your first completed module extension. 


Memo 4 - Due august 14, 2001  

Assignment: Complete Memos 2 and 3 for your second module extension. 

Submit: Memo 4 - The equivalent of Memos 2 and 3 for your second module extension.



Alternative 2 - Develop a New Web Module

Memo 2 - Due July 2, 2001 (Summer: July 16, 2001)

Assignment: Review the web modules on the chemical reaction engineering website.  Think creatively to propose at least three topics for new web modules.  Use the techniques you learned while completing Memo 1 to suggest ways to develop your module topics.  Before proceeding, discuss the proposed modules with the TA and choose one topic only to pursue further.  Outline the necessary resources and the methods you would use to prepare a module on a new topic.  Explain how you will make the new module an effective learning tool.  

Submit: Memo 2 including:

  1. A list of three topics for new web modules with your ideas to develop the modules.   Identify the one you will pursue
  2. A list of necessary materials/resources for the new module
  3. Your plan to develop a new web module
  4. A discussion of how you will make the module an effective learning tool


Memo 3 - Due July 16, 2001 (Summer: July 30, 2001)

Assignment: Prepare an interim report detailing your progress.  At this point, you should have gathered the majority of materials necessary to assemble your module.  Certainly, you should have identified nearly all the necessary materials.  The structure of your module should also be taking shape.  

Submit: Memo 3 - Interim report. 


Memo 4 - Due august 14, 2001

Assignment: Submit your completed module.  The module should be a fully functioning module that could be uploaded onto the course website with the other modules.  With the module complete, you should identify where the module fits with the course content. 

Submit: Memo 4 - Completed web module.