City of Dreams

“In 1889, Chicago had the peculiar qualifications of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimages, even on the part of young girls, plausible. Its many and growing commercial opportunities gave it widespread fame which made it a giant magnet, drawing to itself from all quarters the hopeful and the hopeless – those who had their fortunes yet to make and those whose fortunes and affairs had reached a disastrous climax elsewhere. It was a city of over 500,000, with the ambition, the daring, the activity of a metropolis of a million” (4).


Do you feel the pull of this magnetic city? Well, if you do, then you're in luck, because we have an extra train ticket. Hop on board and click here
to see what the city has in store for you.


Conductors of your trip:

Ellen McGarrity

Rohini Singh

Tammy Trachtenberg