End Notes

1. Ethington, Phillip J. “The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory." The Journal of American History. 1 June, 2002 : 328. ProQuest. aaaaaaaU of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 9 Mar. 2005 . <http://www.proquest.com>.

2. "The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory." 8 Oct. 1996. Chicago Historical Society., Northwestern U. 9 Mar. 2005 . aaaaaaa<http://www.chicagohistory.org/fire/>.

3. Wasserstrom, Jeffrey. “ How Cities Bounce Back ; Rebirth often follows catastrophe. Newsweek. 31 Jan. 2005: 59. 9 Mar. 2005. aaaaaaaProQuest. U of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 9 Mar. 2005. <http://www.proquest.com>.

4. The Academy of American Poets. "Carl Sandburg." Jan. 2005. 8, Apr. 2005. <http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?45442B7C000C040C>.

5. Sandburg, Carl. Chicago Poems. Chicago : Dover Publications, 1994.

6. Sandburg

7. Sandburg

8. Kendall, Bruce. "An Entertaining and Informative Read." 27 Apr. 2004. 8 Apr. 2005. aaaaaaa<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/0375725601/103-4619927-4062244?v=glance>.

9. Rose, Julie. "The World's Columbian Exposition." 1 Aug. 1996. 15 Apr. 2005. <http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA96/WCE/title.html>.

10. Lienhard, John H. "No. 1266: Chicago Fire." Jan. 1997. 16 Apr. 2005. <http://www.uh.edu/engines/epil1266.htm>.

11. Rose

12. Schulman, Bruce. "Interactive Guide to the World's Columbian Exposition." Jan. 2002. 9 Mar. 2005. aaaaaaa<http://users.vnet.net/schulman/Columbian/columbian.html#CHICAGO>.

13. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

14. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

15. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

16. Ethington

17. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

18. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

19. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

20. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

21. Oliver, Daniel. "Lessons from the Chicago Fire." Feb. 2000. 15 Apr. 2005. <http://www.fee.org/vnews.php?nid=4539>.

22. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

23. “What Have City Officials Learned Since the Great Chicago Fire?” PR Newswire US . 4 Oct. 2004. 9 Mar. 2005. LexisNexis. U of aaaaaaaMichigan Lib., Ann Arbor . 9 Mar. 2005 . <http://web.lexis-nexis.com>.

24. Wasserstrom

25. Debartolo, Anthony. "The Great Chicago Fire of 1871." 3 Mar. 1998. 16. Apr. 2005. <http://www.hydeparkmedia.com/cohn.html>

26. Lewinnek, Elaine. “ Domestic and Respectable: Suburbanization and Social Control After the Great Chicago Fire." Iowa Journal of aaaaaaaCultural Studies. 1 Sep. 2003 : 20. ProQuest. U of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 9 Mar. 2005. <http://www.proquest.com>.

27. Lienhard, John H. "No. 1266: Chicago Fire." Jan. 1997. 16 Apr. 2005. <http://www.uh.edu/engines/epil1266.htm>.

28. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

29. Oliver

30. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

31. Wasserstrom

32. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

33. Bales, Richard. "Did the Cow do it?" 12 May 2004. 15 Apr. 2005. <http://www.thechicagofire.com/cause.php>.

34. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

35. Debartolo

36. Debartolo

37. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

38. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

39. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

40. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory

41. Great Chicago Fire & Web of Memory