A few places to look...
  1. A great place to start is by looking at the community service page of the Living in Ann arbor directory.
    This is a great listing of organizations that will put you to work and let you make a difference! But It is by no means comprehensive.
  2. One organization that they did forget to list is Food Gatherers located out Pontiac Trail on Dhu Varern Rd. A personal note is that it is a fun and extremely flexible place to volunteer. You can work as a "food runner" once a week or do odd jobs once a month. If you are interested give Laura, volunteer coordinator, a call. (761-2796)
  3. The Project Serve office is located on the second floor of the Michigan Union. (936-2437) They have many resources and people that can give you information about environmental and service organizations in the area.
  4. Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley is anther great hands on organization to work for. Or you can look at the Habitat for Humanity World Wide web sites.

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