Proposal Management: Review Agreement Acceptance (PI & Project Team)


Refer to the Agreement Acceptance Process for a description of the terms that require review and approval by various parties, including Unit Reviewers. The steps for the PI to review and sign an Agreement Acceptance Request are listed below.


Role: PI & Project Team > Home Workspace

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click the link from the system email notification to access the Agreement Acceptance Request.
    Note The email displays basic Agreement Acceptance information, such as the ID, PAF/UFA/Award, and information from the Central Office.

Or if you are already logged into eRPM:

  1. From the applicable PAF or UFA Workspace, click the Related Agreement Acceptance ID.
    • The Agreement Acceptance will also display on the PAFs with Required Action list on the Home Workspace. .
    • The AAR will be in the state of Project Team Review and Route.
  2. Click Edit Agreement Acceptance Request to attach supporting documentation (i.e. Revised Budget, Revised SOW, etc.).
  3. Click Finish after you've finished attaching documents to the Agreement Acceptance Request.
  4. Click the applicable activity to either Route for Approval or Project Team Decline Terms.
    • The Project Team or PI must execute the Route for Approval activity before it can be accepted by the PI and routed for additional approvals.
    • The review stops that are required can be viewed on the Status map and under Unit Approval Status.

To Route for Approval

  1. Enter Comments.
    Note Comments display under Recent Activity and in an email to the PI.
  2. Click OK.
    The approval is recorded under Recent Activity in the Agreement Acceptance Request Workspace, and is routed as applicable to the Administrative Home Department, Dean (School/College/Institute) and other required signers (see chart in Agreement Acceptance Process).

To Decline Terms

  1. Enter Comments indicating what should be declined.
  2. Click OK to indicate the terms should be declined.
    The activity is recorded under Recent Activity in the Agreement Acceptance Workspace. The state of the Agreement Acceptance becomes ORSP Pending Decline, and the AAR will be routed to ORSP for review.

PI Accept Terms

Once the Agreement Acceptance Request has been routed for approval by the Project Team, then the PI can accept or decline terms. The Agreement Acceptance Request will be in the state of PI Review.

  1. Click Edit Agreement Acceptance Request to attach supporting documentation (i.e. Revised Budget, Revised SOW, etc.), if needed.
  2. Click the applicable activity to accept or decline the terms.
    • To accept, continue with step 3.
    • To decline, go to step 7 above.
  3. Review the terms requiring review and approval.
  4. If applicable, enter Comments.
  5. Click OK.
    The Agreement will be routed for Unit Review.
Last Updated: 
Friday, October 1, 2021