What's New - 6/22/2015 (PM_v3.5)

New Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA) Option for Principal Investigators

UM has agreed to participate in the use of the Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA) for Sponsor-Initiated, Multi-Site Clinical Trials to expedite the contracting process.  The use of the ACTA is voluntary. The terms involve an 18 month publication delay.  Principal Investigators (PIs) will now be given the choice to indicate whether or not the ACTA terms are acceptable when executing the Sign UFA activity on applicable Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).  

For more details on completing the NDA in eResearch Proposal Management, see the PI Sign Unfunded Agreement step-by-step instructions.

For more information on the ACTA, see https://www.ara4us.org/acta


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