Release Notes Version 2.9.2

Release December 17, 2012

The following applies to Study Teams:

New functionality!

Appointment information now appears in the HUM application to improve reporting and department management on studies. The new Appointment Selector tool in eRRM:

  1. Automatically populates the appointment for study team members if they have a U-M Affiliation (e.g., employee), are not a student, and have a single (1) appointment. The option to select an appointment is not applicable.

  2. Requires you to select or enter the applicable appointment for study team members if they have a U-M Affiliation, are not a student, and have either zero (0) or multiple appointments.

  3. Provides the option to select or enter the applicable appointment for study team members if they are a student and an employee, and have a U-M Affiliation.

  4. Does not display (nor provides the option to select or enter) an appointment for study team members if they:
    • Are a student, but don't have an HR appointment (i.e., not an employee), or
    • Do not have a U-M Affiliation or are a Friend (i.e., have a Friends account only).

Where can I see the appointment information?

In the application - The table for Question 1.3 (Study Team Members) now provides "at-a-glance" appointment information about study team members. Changes include:

  • New columns:
    • Appointment Department - populated automatically or upon selection; will remain blank for study team members who fit the criteria for #4 (above).

    • Appointment Selection Complete?
      • "Yes" - an appointment has been populated automatically or selected.
      • "No" - an appointment is required. You must select one before the application can be submitted.
      • "N/A" - an appointment isn't required (e.g., student, Friend account only).

    • Student - identifies if the study team member is a U-M student.

    • Friend Account - identifies if the study team member was added via a Friends Account.

  • The Agree to Participate column has been removed. This was considered to duplicate information already available from the "Accepted Role?" column.

In the "Accept Role" activity - if applicable, your appointment (per default or selection) displays on the Accept Role page.

  • If you have multiple appointments, you can update the appointment information here if the incorrect one was selected for the study.
  • If you are a student, appointment data is not required and may not display.

For more information, see the updated Accept Role procedure.

How do I select an appointment?

The following represents the basic steps. For detailed instructions, business process information, and tips see the Adding a Study Team Member procedure.

  1. Add the Study Team Member.
  2. Review the Appointment Selection Complete? value for that team member. If the value is "No," continue with steps 3 - 5.
  3. Click the name of the study team member to open the Study Team Detail Edit page.
  4. Click the Select Appointment button.
  5. Select one of the listed appointments or click the Add Appointment button to enter information (e.g. future appointment).

Do I need to update submissions?

The Appointment Selector has been applied to all "in progress" applications and amendments (see eligible state below). Upon submission, eRRM validates whether all required appointment data is included. To avoid errors, update appointments as needed in any "in progress" applications/amendments before submission.

  • Pre-Submission
  • Core Committee Staff Review
  • Changes Required by Core Staff
  • In Expedited Review
  • Validate Expedited Decisions
  • Full Committee
  • Validate Committee Decision
  • Contingencies Pending
  • Core Committee Staff Contingency Review
  • Designated Reviewer Contingency Review

warning Approved studies do not need to be updated. However, if you begin a new amendment for an approved study, the system will validate that all required appointment data is included in that amendment. Update appointment data as needed at that time.