LearnChemE Videos

    Levenspiel Plots:
    Comments: Compliments Chapter 2 discussion, but uses (1/-rA) vs. X instead of (FA0/-rA) vs. X which is okay and in some cases allows more flexibility as you change the flow rate. It also shows how to use a Levenspiel plot for batch reactors, which is not shown in the text.
    Sizing CSTRs on Reciprocal Rate Data:
    Comments: This video shows how to use a Levenspiel plot for reactors in series and reactors in parallel.
    CSTRs in Series:
    Comments: A -> B first order reaction, -rA = kCA
    Levenspiel plot worked in terms of concentration rather than conversion. [ CA = CA0(1-X) ]. Small CSTR followed by a large CSTR.