Professional Reference Shelf

R13.7 Unsteady Operation of Plug-Flow Reactors


We plan to reduce the energy balance into a more usable form. To achieve this form for plug-flow reactors, we begin by applying the balance to a small differential volume,image 09eq51.gif, in which there are no spatial variations (Figure R13.7-1). The number of moles of species i inimage 09eq51.gifis


image 09eq52.gif


Figure CD13.7
PFR with heat gain or loss.


Substituting for Ni and dividingimage 09eq51.gifby gives

    image 09eq53.gif

Taking the limit asand noting that gives


image 09eq56.gif


Rearranging, we have


image 09eq57.gif



Comparing Equations (R13.7-1) and (R13.7-2)


image 09eq58.gif



we note that the term in parentheses is just ri. The rate of reaction of species i is related to the rate of disappearance of species A through the stoichiometric coefficient, 


image 09eq59.gif




image 09eq60.gif






image 09eq61.gif


where a is the heat exchange area per unit volume. Differentiating yields


image 09eq62.gif


Recalling that


image 09eq63.gif


we substitute these equations to obtain


image 09eq64.gif


Neglecting shaft work and changes in pressure with respect to time, we obtain


Transient energy
balance on a PFR


image 09eq65.gif



This equation must be coupled with the mole balances,



Numerical solution
required for these
three coupled equations


image 09eq66.gif


and the rate law,


image 09eq50.gif



and solved numerically. A variety of numerical techniques for solving equations of this type can be found in the book Applied Numerical Methods.1

We note, however, one can approximate the partial differential equation (PDE) of the unsteady PFR energy balance by replacing the PFR with a number of CSTRs in series. One then simply solves the coupled ODEs using Polymath™ or MATLAB™.

For steady-state operation in which no work is done by the system, Equation (R13.7-3) reduces to


image 09eq68.gif



Substitution for the molar flow rates Fi in terms of conversion gives Equation (R13.7-7).


Use this
equation for
energy balance on a PFR
with heat transfer


image  09eq69.gif



As stated previously, this equation is solved simultaneously with the mole balance.